Divine Language
Title: The Language of Divine Mind.
Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.”
Divine Language is a radio talk show with the title The Language of Divine Mind.

Divine Language:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about dedicated watching for the operation of the omnipresent Divine Truth. In this show they will explain Divine Mind as the changeless state of being with the language of Silence and the activity of Stillness. Listen as they explore ways to communicate with the invisible intangible Spiritual fact of Being. On Divine language from Mary Baker Eddy Body “…for this teaching deals only with the changing conditions of the personal mentality and not with the changeless state of being, the changeless Mind, the omnipresence.” Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and speak the Truth.
- For us to speak with Divine Mind we must go where Divine Mind is because we know there is no Divine Truth in the changing conditions of the personal mentality nor “This World.” We must come out of the mental/material illusion and in Kriya Yoga we do this by dividing and conquering before we unite and stand. Does this seem like a contradiction? Well maybe, but unless we are faithful and orderly with the objects of sense; we will not be receptive to the deeper things of the Creative Principle. PS 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.” Divine Language
- The Four Horseman lesson in Revelations is telling us exactly what not to do. Not to attack the problem because the problem doesn’t exist. To speak Divine Mind we must be Divine which is One there is no separation in Divine Truth and it is pure Spirit without opposite.
- Herb Fitch RO 9A 1 reason to seek Spiritual Vision sound bite.
- What does it look like to be in Spiritual identity? To be one with the Divine Principle, to be pure in heart, to be conscious only of Divine Truth, to have the Mind of Christ, or as Mary Baker Eddy wrote to think with God, as God. The entire mental/material appearance is a state of hypnosis and must be understood to be so. We have Divine Mind and It only knows Divine Truth and so we must know all human thoughts did not come from Divine Mind and we separate the wheat from the tares, the false from the real, the impermanent from the permanent.
- We use the testimony of the material senses as the check engine light on the dashboard of consciousness because all the good, beautiful, and true attributes belong to Divine Truth.
- Herb Fitch RO9A 2 no Spirit and, only One Perfect Divine Life outside the human mind that does not exist.
- Sign on a lawyer’s office read, “Reality is ruining my life” talk about being hypnotized, let’s start with unreality is ruining my life, then begin to realize what I as a person isn’t life at all.
- Herb says, the Glory of God must shine in you. You have no choice. You must let it shine. Another point that comes to me here is Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “It is the healer’s understanding of the operation of the divine Principle, and his application thereof, which heals the sick”