Pure Moon
Title: Full Moon in Virgo brings Purity.
Purity is revealed when Divine Mind moves into Its rightful position as the Mind of humanity.
Pure Moon is a radio talk show with the title Full Moon in Virgo brings Purity.

Pure Moon:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about Full Moon 19° Virgo 37′ on 3/9/20 at 1:48 PM EDT and Mars conjunct the Solar Eclipse of 1/5/19 at 15° Capricorn 25′. What the New Moon promises the Full Moon delivers; in this show they will discuss the Divine Idea of the movement of the celestial bodies. Listen as they explore what surrounds us is within us; hiding in the invisible intangible Divine Presence. Purity is revealed when Divine Mind moves into Its rightful position as the Mind of humanity. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and live from the Truth of Being.
- Divine Mind is too pure to behold inequity. Spirit is pure and not a mix of good and bad; It is absolute Goodness.
- What is the Divine Idea of Astrology; what surrounds us is within us or as above so below. Science began with the observation of nature and astrology is the mother of science or can I say empirical science and what makes it a Spiritual Science is that it becomes an epistemic tool by using what is visible and tangible to reveal what is invisible and intangible.
- The mirror effect of consciousness what is seeming to be looking outward is really looking inward.
- What is the intention of the Divine Idea of Astrology is to know the Truth; there is only One Divine Life and it is Spiritual not material. What is my level of consciousness? Am I material, mental, or Spiritual? How would I know the difference? By using the testimony of your five senses it reflects– how we are thinking.
- The Full Moon is the cosmic representation for Principle and Idea; the Moon is in full reflection of the Sun. The Moon in Virgo is the mid-mind level of mortal thought; which is human intelligence. Key thought; we’re living in the world of a false consciousness in which we think that our thoughts are real.
- “Quiet minds cannot be perplexed or frightened but go on in fortune or misfortune at their own private pace, like a clock during a thunderstorm. ” Robert Louis Stevenson. Here we are learning how to use the Astrology to give the mind a secure platform to rest in and maintain quiet and stability in spite of the changing appearances.
- Learning to perceive everything from the multilevel perspective is an epistemic tool; everything is thrice compounded– physical, mental, and Spiritual but it is of the utmost importance to put Spirit in its rightful position of importance; First.
- Typical Astrology makes an association between the movement of the planets and the appearances on earth but it is not taking into account the changeless state of being found in the fixed Stars.
New Moon 1/5/19 15° Capricorn 25′
First Quarter 10/5/19 – 12° Capricorn 09′
Full Moon 7/5/20 – 13° Capricorn 38′
Third Quarter 4/4/21 – 14° Capricorn 51′