Products at the Kriya Yoga Ashram are learning aids for the Spiritual Science.
Products simplify Science
Kriya Yoga Theory 1 Classes
8 Videos or 4 DVD’s

Kriya Yoga Classes on Video or DVD

Get all six Kriya Yoga Asana Videos $80.00 or $15.00 each…… Video Package

Kriya Yoga Asana Class
Detailed Beginning and Ending
Just getting started in Kriya Yoga Asana Practice.
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Kriya Yoga Asana Class
Warriors and Triangles
Kriya Yoga Standing Series Targets feet and legs.
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Kriya Yoga Asana Class
Lunge Series
Lengthen and strengthen muscles while you move bones into a position of support.
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Kriya Yoga Theory 2 Session
1. The TLC Labyrinth, 2. Breathing Visualization, 3. Alternate Breathing
Timed Breathing, 5. Silent Sit, 6.Chant the Sounds, 7. Yoga Mudra
Kriya Yoga Theory 2 CD $10.00
CD's and DVD's
Kriya Yoga Mantra and Meditation
1. Read about Mantra and Concentration, 2. Read the Isha Upanishad 3. Chant the Isha Upanishad 108 times, 4. Sit in Silence Chant the 5. Chakras Sounds, 6. Finish with Yoga Mudra