Solstice 2015
Title: Winter Solstice in the Year 2015.
Solstice: they will discuss the integration of the two polar opposites as a means to create balance in your life.
Winter Solstice in the Year 2015
Solstice 2015

Solstice 2015: Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will be talking about the winter solstice on December 21, 2015 and how to participate with the procession of light and darkness. They will discuss the integration of the two polar opposites as a means to create balance in your life. Listen as they explain the role of darkness as a means to obtain the “Light.” We can’t have light without darkness; they need each other. Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the light in your soul and get the benefit of internal support and eternal light; Powered by Prana.
1. Winter Solstice is the longest night of the year. The Sun goes into Capricorn (cardinal earth); creating perception.
2. Great time to turn some of our attention inward and look at the dark side of our makeup.
3. There is going to be a Full Moon on Christmas day; the sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Cancer.
4. Delivery Day! Spirit is everywhere and in everything.
5. Darkness is the absence of light– Prana is the light that passes through opaque objects
6. The ongoing struggle between good and evil; God and the Devil. Can’t know one without the other and within one is the other.
7. The Spiritualization of matter – for darkness is void of Light. Light dispels darkness not the other way around.
8. Good aspects and “Bad” aspects; to give without expectations.
9. Yin and Yang symbol great representation for balance to integrate and become whole.
Kriya Yoga Asana Program is a system of exercise that uses the geometry of the physical body to lengthen and strengthen muscles which brings the bones into a position of internal support. These exercises have procedure and intention. However, the physical postures are a module that fits into this master plan called “Yoga” leading to Total Consciousness. When we include the internal mental work of training the mind to serve Spirit and training the body to serve the mind with the symbol of Spirit, then matter and mind come together with new information. Because, the outer world of sense and the inner world of Spirit become One when Divine Truth is the only consciousness.