Full Moon Christmas
Full Moon Christmas; in the Kriya Yoga model there are no accidents we are creating our lives; granted some aspects may not be conscious but we are ordering on an unconscious and/or karmic level.
Full Moon Christmas 2015

Full Moon Christmas. May the Spirit of the Holidays fill you with the promise of Eternal Happiness.
Full Moon Christmas: The Full Moon is the delivery day for the promises made by the New Moon; this can be a useful cycle to observe to help see how we are shaping our reality. In the Kriya Yoga model there are no accidents we are creating our lives; granted some aspects may not be conscious but we are ordering on an unconscious and/or karmic level. One of the most important distinctions to be able to make is the differences between worldly happiness, intellectual happiness, and Eternal Happiness. In the same way there is a difference between a human in the larvae state or unconscious awareness, the chrysalis state or self conscious awareness, and the adult state or super conscious awareness. Join us and learn about the process in development to experience the benefit of Eternal Happiness.
Christmas is really a Spiritual holiday and much of the early symbolism associated with the event implied that there were very specific things that should be done. I like to think of it as the birth of Christ Consciousness and the initiation of the progressive cycle that develops and individual into an adult. Apotheosis is the process that leads an individual to Eternal happiness. Join us and get the Light in your soul!
Kriya Yoga at IPD is a complete holistic health management system, designed to initiate a process in human development that unfolds in three phases. The term is called apotheosis, the process of the human becoming Divine, and this process has an evidence procedure where the individual goes from larvae state (unconscious awareness or physical identity), to the chrysalis state (self-conscious awareness or mental identity), to the adult state (super-conscious awareness or Spiritual identity); Total Consciousness is the goal of Kriya Yoga.