Power Application
Title: Application of Spiritual Power.
Tune in as they delve into the concept of Stillness and Knowing the Truth, which liberates from false beliefs.
Power Application is a radio talk show with the title Application of Spiritual Power.

Power Application:
Join hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda as they explore the Principle and Rule of Divine Science, focusing on living under the governance of absolute harmony. In this episode, they reveal how Spirit is not a tool for personal gain but a state of unity with the Perfection of Being. Tune in as they delve into the concept of Stillness and Knowing the Truth, which liberates from false beliefs. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga, we are talking consciousness! Participate in the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to illuminate your soul and manifest Spiritual Power.
- I drew inspiration for this title from Joel Goldsmith‘s book The Art of Spiritual Healing Chapter 2 Is God a Servant? I find his writing and talks to be extremely clear and accurate when it comes to understanding the nature of God. Here are some talking points to start with: “To most people God is still the great “Unknown,” ignorantly worshiped. How few people there are who have sought to understand the nature of God, who have ever asked themselves: “Is there a God? How do I know there is a God? I have been told that there is a God, people say there is a God, and I have read books about God; but if I had to go on a witness stand and take an oath that I know there is a God, what would my answer be? Could I swear that I really do know that there is a God? What evidence do I have? Have I seen God face to face? Have I felt God within me?” How would you answer such questions? Would you say, “Yes, I know there is a God, and this is what He is like?”
How would you describe God? Can He be described? He is not like what most men think Him to be. He is nothing like anything you can imagine, or anything you can think, because any idea of God that you entertain with your mind must be finite; any idea of God you may have, you have created within yourself or learned from someone else.
Stop and think for a moment where your ideas of God have come from. Who gave them to you? Is it not true that you, yourself, either made up your ideas or concept of God, or you read something and accepted some version of what someone else believed, or you have been taught from infancy to accept someone else’s concept of God? Are your ideas of God man-made or are they the result of inner experience?
To Jesus, who had realized his complete oneness with God, God meant “Father” “the Father within.” However, for us to think of God as Father is immediately to think in terms of some particular concept of a father. Each of us has a different concept of father the result of his own experience. In this modern age, children often consider their parents as some kind of a servant born to do their will, and many adults have simply incorporated this concept of parents as servants into their concept of God and have made a God for themselves in the image and likeness of these childhood concepts. They think of God as a superhuman being just waiting for the privilege of granting them favors, of some kind of a God whose favor can be secured in one way or another, and that if the right combination of words can be learned, a person can even get God’s favor to the extent of persuading God to do healing work for him. There is no such God. You do not need God’s favor any more than you need man’s favor. All of God’s favor you will ever need, you already have.
If you will turn within and acknowledge that you do not know what Jesus meant when he referred to God as Father, and then wait for God to tell you what God is as Father, you may have an experience similar to mine,” - The bible says, “ask in My name” which is my likeness– only Spirit Knows Spirit or like attracts like. We must Know ourself as we are Known by the Creator in order to receive Divine revelation.
Born of Spirit or birth of Christ in consciousness delivers the faculty which perceives absolute Unity. Spirit is the power of One without opposite and rests in Perfect Divine Unity in Silence and Stillness.
3. Mortal sense works on contrast and is in constant change; and because it isn’t whole it is in continuous search for unity.