Peaceful Independence
Title: Exploring the Aftermath of Independence
True Freedom is liberation from the belief in two powers which is the result of life in matter given up for Life in Spirit.
Peaceful Independence is a radio talk show with the title Exploring the Aftermath of Independence.

Peaceful Independence:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the idea of freedom and why Jesus said, “know the Truth and it will make you free.” Listen as they explain the Spiritual Truth which brings liberation from the belief in two powers. In this show they will discuss the process of shifting thought from a mental/material basis to a Spiritual basis. Life in matter must be given up for Life in Spirit. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your Soul and experience freedom from false beliefs.
- Freedom is one of those all-encompassing words which can mean anything to anyone; but in this model freedom is liberation from mortality, material law, karmic law, the belief in two powers. This makes the 4th of July a mortal belief in a false sense of freedom or the finite good concept of independence but not the Divine Idea of Liberation. As we know now True Freedom is only realized when life in matter is given up for Life in Spirit. The Christian idea of being born of Spirit or in Kriya Yoga it is called Union with the Divine. The idea of two becoming One; the inner marriage of the opposites is the realization there is only One Being, One Life everywhere always.
- To begin with the physics of Spirituality; like attracts like we begin by understanding the idea of born again of Spirit along with the idea of the two thieves which are matter and mortal mind. Apotheosis is the process of the human becoming Divine and this begins with the separation of identity from the physical form and a relinking identity with the invisible intangible Omnipresent Spirit. Train the mortal mind to serve Spirit and train the body to accept Spirit as the symbol for validation.
- Something from the bible 2 Corinthians 3:17 “Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” We have other bible verses to add to the list.
- Herb Fitch Realization of Oneness class 26B Soundbite. To help us understand the how to be Free from the belief in two powers; the belief in a life span, the belief in mortality and Know the Truth– Life is Perfect, Eternal, Changeless, Complete.
- Developing Spiritual Reception by shifting thought from a mental/material basis to a Spiritual basis by standing porter at the door of consciousness. No longer working with the mortal mind as the indicator of good and bad but utilizing the Christ Mind and distinguishing between the unreal and the Real. Not being fooled by finite good, we keep awareness on the Divine Idea without falling back into the influence of good and evil by remaining a faithful witness and revealing the precept consciousness is experience.
- Mary Baker Eddy Mis. 358:12-13 “All men shall be satisfied when they “awake in His likeness,” and they never should be until then. ” There is an innate drive in every human to be whole and complete and completion can never take place in the mental/material world of duality.