Human Laziness
Title: Overcoming the Human Tendency to Laziness.
The four major obstructions to Enlightenment in Kriya Yoga are fear, ignorance, laziness, and selfishness.
Human Laziness is a radio talk show with the title Overcoming the Human Tendency to Laziness.

Human Laziness:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the four major obstructions to Enlightenment in the Spiritual Science of Kriya Yoga. Listen as they explain the operations of the metaphysical and mystical Principles understood to exercise dominion over the illusion. In this show they will explore the four directions and the meaning for the man, bull, lion, and eagle in Revelations. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your Soul and experience genuine enthusiasm.
- In Kriya Yoga we observe four major obstructions to Enlightenment and employ their antidotes for advancement. Taken directly from the website page:
You cannot lead someone to permanent change by doing for them what they “must” do themselves.
Personal accountability and responsibility are the foundation of Kriya Yoga Theory 2. You must be engaged and devoted. Prana Power brings: Virtue to overcome fear. Wisdom to overcome ignorance. Purpose to overcome selfishness. Enthusiasm to overcome laziness. Kriya Yoga is a path of Action, Knowledge, and Devotion; these sessions are a celestial positioning system (cps) to guide the individual into union with the Divine. - The four directions (north, south, east, west), elements (fire, earth, air, water), mental functions (perception, reason, feeling, intuition), physical functions (strength, flexibility, alignment, endurance) and the four obstructions to Enlightenment (fear, ignorance, laziness, and selfishness). The corresponding attributes to overcome the obstructions are Virtue is water, Wisdom is air, Enthusiasm is earth, and Purpose is fire.
- Today we can start with laziness and to do this we have something from Gilbert Carpenter MBE, HSF c25 where he mentions some of the obstacles in Scientific thinking. Human satisfaction, mental drunkenness, hypnotized into believing God is in control. He wrote:
“Mrs. Eddy used her teaching in regard to the handling of arsenic and animal magnetism in a similar way, calling from the students their immediate, aggressive and finest spiritual endeavor. She knew that the human mind must be stirred to its highest point of activity, in order that it may be thrown off, and a spiritual activity take its place. She devised many ways to do this, in order to draw forth from students the last ounce of effort needed.
No one could criticize Mrs. Eddy’s methods, since they bore such glorious fruitage. She perceived the necessity of the student overcoming the human tendency to laziness, which otherwise might stupefy him into yielding to animal magnetism and its lies. She adopted a standard in her home so high, that there were those who called it unnecessary fussiness. Nevertheless, she set the goal high intentionally, so that it could be fulfilled only through demonstration. Such a move was spiritually wise, because it brought forth from the students their best efforts, and kept them on their toes. Its fruitage was made manifest in their demonstrations.” - Enthusiasm is such a great visual for me because it means with Theos or the Divine Principle. I and the Father are One. To be tandem with what is Pure, Powerful, Sacred, Omniscient, is what is known as inspired. Inspiration is different from motivation in this model– Love is a much greater catalyst than fear on all levels. I find it interesting how insightful Mrs. Eddy was and how she could use things like arsenic as a symbol to motivate which breaks the inertia of fear and then engage movement with inspiration.
- What about stimulating substances like caffeine to get things going? Here is where we can talk about the obstruction of ignorance and to substantiate this point we can use Gilbert Carpenter MBE, HSF c25 again introduce the soundbite. Here is when effect is mistaken as cause which is the basis of the term ignorance or avidya in Kriya Yoga; mistaking the impermanent for the permanent or the biblical term sin– missing the mark. To prevent such a condition Gilbert Carpenter talks about not letting the Wisdom of Truth get out of pace with the Power of Truth. Gilbert Carpenter, MBE -HSF chapter 8, “man’s demonstration of divine wisdom did not keep pace with his demonstration of divine power.” Inspiration and demonstration is recommended in this model. In the same way one may read books about snowboarding and find themselves on a mountain on a snowboard unable to get down because talk doesn’t cook the rice.
- Oneness is Spiritual understanding. To begin to grasp the idea of Spirit we can turn to Mary Baker Eddy wrote in S&H page 14:12 “Become conscious for a single moment that Life and intelligence are purely spiritual, – neither in nor of matter, – and the body will then utter no complaints.” What does she mean by “intelligence” because she can’t be talking about four mental functions, nor four physical functions, nor four directions because She is talking about Oneness. One Mind, that Knows the Truth and not the concept of mind that forms thoughts and opinions about information coming from the corporeal senses. Whole, Complete, Perfect, Changeless, and invisible and intangible to the mortal mind.