Ground Earth
Title: Earth Day Grounding Divine Inspiration.
Ground Earth is a radio talk show discussing some possibilities for Earth Day with the idea of grounding Divine inspiration.
Earth Day Grounding Divine Inspiration
Ground Earth is a radio talk show discussing some possibilities for Earth Day with the idea of grounding Divine inspiration.

Ground Earth
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about Earth Day and the concept that heaven is below our feet as well as above our head’s. This show will focus on the direct experience of acknowledging the presence of Divine Love; here on earth. Listen as they explain how to use Earth Day to ground a very lofty and essential life theme. Light in the soul leads to peace on earth. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance get the Light in your soul and experience the benefits of Eternal Happiness.
Ground Earth Notes:
1. Healing the Earth: Earth is visible and tangible to human sense; Spirit is invisible and intangible to human sense. The relationship here is cause and effect; Creator and creation. Key point: the Creator is continuously revealing Itself through creation.
2. Number 1 Truth is the Human is made in the image and likeness of the Divine. This means what we call human is Spirit and eternal.
3. The process of “Grounding” Truth is using the visible and tangible (manifested) to help us understand the activity of the invisible and intangible. What surrounds us is within us.
4. Creation must reflect the qualities of the Creator; is a new concept for me. Especially, when the major characteristics are harmony, peace, love, joy and goodness.
5. How can this be? The world is in discord and disease but the Creator is Perfect Love. The answer is in where are we looking and how. The concept of “thinking” makes it so.
6. Having a sense of the sacred and respect for all creation is a good practice to develop. Awareness for the underlying Spirit of the earth brings with it this respect; simply because one senses “something” pure, powerful, and sacred. We take care of what we esteem valuable; what is more valuable to Life than Divine Law?
7. Seeing Spirit as the cause of creation shifts the focus from the earth back to the Creator. Starting to understand the earth as a manifestation of Divine Love may just lift the collective consciousness.
8. Darshan: Darshan is derived from the Sanskrit word darsana meaning “sight,” “vision,” or “appearance.” (2) In the Hindu tradition, darshan refers to the beholding of a holy person, sacred object, natural phenomenon, or deity especially in imaged form. Darshan implies a mutual interaction between the viewer and the perceived object or being.
9. Creation isn’t material but Spiritual.