Aries Moon
Title: New Moon in Aries brings Activity.
Aries Moon is a radio talk show discussing some of the possibilities available and titled New Moon in Aries brings Activity.
New Moon in Aries brings Activity
Aries Moon is a radio talk show discussing some of the possibilities available and titled New Moon in Aries brings Activity.

Aries Moon:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the New Moon in Aries on April 15, 2018 at 9:57 EDT as a great time for a new beginning. Listen as they discuss some possibilities for this 5th house lunation to help with a fresh start. In this show some of the major aspects of the event will be explored as opportunities. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance get the Light in your soul to understand Spiritual activity.
Aries Moon Notes:
1. New Moon 26° Aries
2. Enter the Labyrinth at the 3rd Path, which corresponds to — Manipuraka Chakra– Mars at Solar Plexus Center. The Zodiacal Sign is Aries and the 1st House.
Key Phrase: “I Am Becoming” – Key Attribute: “I Am Brave” – Key System: Muscular.
Twin Characteristic: Ability to Fight / Peace.
Affirmation: “I will always fight with spiritual weapons in order to bring peace to the earth.”
3. What is a “Spiritual weapon?” The greatest weapon we have against discord and conflict is prayer as communion with the Divine or Unity Consciousness. For when we lift ourselves back into the unified state there is no “other” we are all ONE.
4. How does praying for your enemy stop war? By seeing another as the image and likeness of the Divine lifts them up into the Unified Field and enables them to see the Oneness of existence. This glimpse of Truth fills consciousness with the Light of Eternal Love and dispels all that is unlike itself.
5. The Aries theme is really about filling the world with Loving Kindness. How is the god of war filling the world with loving kindness? Cruelty is a sign of weakness we expect kindness only from the strong.
6. Understanding the real meaning behind I Am; the Aries myth of becoming in reality, true reality there is only One. I am is in fact Divine Egoism for everything is God. One Mind and I am is cause and effect. God and Man, perfect God and perfect Man, Creator revealing itself through creation.
7. However, because of the original sin the human is born into the realms of duality and we accepted a belief of good and evil, and from that moment on mind begin forming itself– in forms of good and evil.
The mind produces its own image and likeness, and as we let our minds be filled with superstition, ignorance, fear, and all of this belief of good and evil, that is what your mind produces in your experiences; It becomes a life of worldly comforts and pleasures or sin, sickness, disease, suffering and death.
8. Spirit is the original and basic creative Principle the substance of life. In Initiation and the process of Apotheosis, where mind separates from duality and joins with Spirit. Then, mind becomes the instrument through which this creative activity takes place. Mind becomes an instrument of the Creative Intelligence of the Universe. Therefore, when the mind is open to receive the Divine impulses— out comes harmony, health, wealth, perfect forms, infinite forms, and eternal forms. The mind produces its own image and likeness!
9. How we think is what we become. Aham Brahmasmi, I Am the creative principle. Man is God’s idea; God’s reflection, made in the image and likeness– perfect God perfect Man.
10. Next week Earth Day.