Title: Finding Your Dharma with Kriya Yoga.
Dharma is a radio talk show discussing possibilities of Finding Your Dharma with Kriya Yoga.
Finding Your Dharma with Kriya Yoga
Dharma is a radio talk show discussing possibilities of Finding Your Dharma with Kriya Yoga.

Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about Duty or an individual’s collective purpose for this incarnation. The Universe gives us life and supports us in it but we are all created with a Divine purpose. In this Show they will discuss how apotheosis is a way of revealing the Divine intentions of your life. World mind or the collective consciousness is a counterfeit Divine Mind and an obstacle to the Truth. They will explain that Dharma is Divine Mind individualized as your consciousness. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance get the Light in your soul and Live by Divine Law.
Dharma Notes:
1. For anyone starting on a Spiritual path looking for a generic purpose that can fit anyone; Glorify the Creator will be a good start.
2. For those more Spiritually minded the Kriya Yoga idea of Duty is found in the Christian concept of Thy Will be done. Attuning ourselves to the activity of Spirit is what the practice is designed to demonstrate.
3. The Idea of moving out of Karma the law of two powers and into Duty the Divine Law of Harmony.
4. After mastering Pratyahara the 5th Stage of Kriya Yoga; we are becoming more familiar with the Presence of Spirit; quieting the 5 Sense lower mind ushers in the Soul senses of the higher mind.
5. Feeling ok, or good enough, may not be the answer; we must feel good because we are in tandem with what is pure, powerful, perfect, enduring, invisible and intangible. Key point for those more science minded members; world thought is invisible but tangible (waves) but Divine Mind ideas are invisible and intangible (Void).