Sensing Omnipresence
Title: Sensing the Omnipresence of Divine Principle.
“Without a fitness for holiness, we cannot receive holiness.” Mary Baker Eddy S&H 15:31
Sensing Omnipresence is a radio talk show with the title Sensing the Omnipresent Divine Principle.

Sensing Omnipresence
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about employing strategies to cultivate Spiritual Sense and let the Perfection of Being– be you. Listen as they explain why it is essential to take a side because there is no mixing of the false with the True and as Paul told us in Galatians 6:8 “For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” Listen as they explore the statement ” The true consciousness is the true health” Mary Baker Eddy Mis. 298:25. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and live as the perfection of the Divine Principle which All Is.
- How to awaken the Spirit within. In this model Spiritual awakening isn’t a declaration made by a finite mortal being but the state of conscious awareness of an Eternal Principle. The preparatory work for the Realization of Oneness is essential in order to truly Know the Truth which promises freedom. Here we use the physics of Spirituality as the formula; like attracts like. There is no way to put the beauty of holiness in a finite mortal form. On a deep level of Purification we can’t mix the world view of a material, finite, mortal existence with the Perfection of the Divine Creative Principle. So we must purify individual consciousness of all erroneous concepts, theories, beliefs, and forms in order to create a hospitable inner environment for the beauty of holiness.
- To sense the Divine we must go where the Divine is; it is right here and right now running a Perfect universe beyond the reach of sense level awareness. The Divine Principle is before thought and above corporeal sense and in order to invite this invisible intangible Law into consciousness we replicate it in our inner environment. We find Divine Truth in Silence and Stillness and we perceive It in Spiritual Sense; not material sense of mortal mind. Introduce soundbite Herb Fitch 4D 14A 48
- How do I know what I am calling Truth is the One True Truth and not the mental counterfeit or human concept of truth? Divine Truth in consciousness heals the sick, reforms the sinner, raises the dead and this is your litmus test. Are you changing the human mental/material picture and revealing the Divine Perfection? Evaluating the inner landscape and separating the wheat from the tares; separating the Divine from the mortal, the false from the Real, recognizing that guilt, shame, anger, resentment, blame, emptiness, and boredom are mortal and Peace, Love, Joy, Goodness, Kindness, Gentleness, Faithfulness, Patience, and Temperance are Divine. Sensing Omnipresence.
- Making the invisible intangible Spiritual Reality our home, our identity and recognize what we see isn’t there and what we don’t see is there. Learning to lean on the Divine Creation as the Source of all real Life and accepting Spiritual Rights as the Truth of Being. We begin to do this by declaring independence from the collective worldly view of life in matter as “real” and taking a stand on the incorporeal Divine Principle that Life is Eternal and Perfect. Making the choice; am I mortal flesh or immortal Spirit.
- Introduce Herb Fitch 4D 14A “The Spiritual Way is not an extra something that you do. It’s not something you add to your human way. It’s a departure, and you don’t hold on to what you’re departing from, and you don’t turn back.”
- What is the function of the Christ in making the right choice? Christ is the Messiah and the universal Principle which makes the Divine Creation comprehensive to human consciousness. Without the Christ we are guessing, or believing, hoping but there really isn’t any “Knowing.” So, we sit in silence and stillness and wait, watch, listen, and let for the light of Divine Truth to dawn on consciousness. Wait for the birth of Christ in consciousness not the same as waiting for Santa Clause. Waiting to see that Life is solely in and of the Divine Spirit and the only reality of existence everything else is false. However, we must be educated out of the false sense of identity along with the false sense of health or illusion of health and as Johan von Goethe said, “non are more hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free.” It reminds me of the farmer who found an eagle chick on the ground at the edge of his field and brought it back to the farm then raised it with the chickens and the eagle walked around the yard picking corn with the rest of the chickens– thinking it was a chicken never realizing itself to be an eagle. Humanity walks blindly in a similar hypnotic state unconscious of True identity. Sensing Omnipresence.
- Purifying the mind/body complex in order to develop sensitivity for the invisible intangible Divine Omnipresence. Purification serves as a loosening of consciousness from the grip of mortal sense– on, identity imprisoned by a belief in two powers. The never ending struggle between good and evil by accepting the good and rejecting the bad. We do this by accepting the One; only One Being, One Perfect Spiritual Life by stopping the thinking with the corporeal senses and rising into the Network of Oneness without opposite. True Consciousness not the divided consciousness which sees what isn’t there and is blind to what is here. Mis. 352:21-27 “There is not sufficient spiritual power in the human thought to heal the sick or the sinful. Through the divine energies alone one must either get out of himself and into God so far that his consciousness is the reflection of the divine, or he must, through argument and the human consciousness of both evil and good, overcome evil.”