Title: Preparation for Spiritual Consciousness
Preparation of the landscape of consciousness to reap Spiritual fruits.
Preparation is a radio talk show with the title Preparation for Spiritual Consciousness.

Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the process in Spiritual unfolding which is called Apotheosis. In this show they will be discussing the preparatory work involved in giving up personal sense or my will to accept an impersonal Spiritual sense of Selfhood or Thy Will. Listen as they explain some of the pitfalls in mistaking error for Truth or the impermanent for the Permanent. Finding that place where individual thought is the same as Divine Idea. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and demonstrate Spiritual law.
- For me, everything has procedure; no matter what I do there is a method to an end.
- “to live in your immortal self you must recognize the immortal self everywhere in everyone” Herb Fitch RSJ 4-1.
- In Kriya Yoga we use purification as preparatory work for making human consciousness a hospitable environment for Divine Presence. What is important here is just what is required to recognize the immortal Self everywhere. We must purge the entire false sense of self; the personal sense level of existence, must go. Put off the old man!
- This may sound strange but don’t succumb to the belief in injury. It has taken me some time to understand that all problems are “man” made and rely solely on belief for their existence. Beyond the testimony of the 5 human senses is the Divine Truth of Being and It alone is Real. These false conditions are only “our” thought about what is Real—give up the belief in problems and the Truth will reveal Itself as Perfect Health.
- The uninitiated may think it is all the discipline, sacrifice, and practice that gets the “reward” but this is the old theology. It doesn’t work like that at all; just like in life more opportunities may be granted by “who” is known than “what” is known. Spiritual Truth is demonstrated by Thy Will and not “my” will. The Bible tells us “Know the Truth and it will make us free.” It is easier than I ever imagined; just think differently– give up all human thinking, trying, believing, struggling and let Divine Mind guide from within. Sickness, suffering, disease are all human beliefs in “something” other than Divine Presence. The hard part for me was coming out of the 3 modes of mortal (human) thought and knowing Divine Mind. Coming out of Gemini (lower mind), Virgo (mid mind), Sagittarius (higher mind) and getting into Pisces (Divine Mind). Divine Science is a demonstrable Principle; healing isn’t guess work but an exact science.