A poster for the radio talk show on Advent 2019

Advent 2019

Title: Advent 2019 with Faith, Hope, Joy, and Love
Find that place where your thought is the same as Divine Mind imaging forth Its Perfect Universe.

Advent 2019 is a radio talk show about Advent the four weeks of preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

a picture of Lisa and Kenny doing the radio talk show on Advent 2019.

Advent 2019:

Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk more about Advent the four weeks of preparation for the coming of the Messiah. The first week is the concept of faith and its function in the developmental process. The second week is hope and the application of expectancy in the unfolding of Spiritual understanding. The third week is Joy and the significance of the feeling state. The fourth is Love as the ultimate human experience and The Christ as awareness of Divine Love in human consciousness. Listen as we review the birth of Christ as the saving aspect of Truth an inner dynamic. More on the role of the causal/spiritual body as a practical guide for effective living. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance get the Light in your soul and Love with Christlike Compassion.


  1. Faith: Belief is what gives thought power. We can believe in anything and in fact, we do believe in many things that are intrinsically bad; sin, sickness, suffering, and death.
  2. Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
  3. Change how we think; My new thoughts will be the thoughts of God imaging forth the universe of God.
  4. Hope: In the context of Spirit; hope is more of a period of expectancy; waiting in Silence and Stillness for the Truth to reveal Itself. We don’t sit and beg or plead for some kind of Divine intervention to make a sick body better. Hope to change finite bad back to finite good; then hope it stays.
  5. We are talking senseless optimism; here when we say to rebuke the testimony of the senses we are saying the senses testify falsely. We must know the Truth of our Being. The only self-existent Principle in this universe is Spirit and it is Perfect, Whole, Eternal, Changeless.
  6. Joy: Understanding we are eternal spiritual beings; means we never die; never vulnerable to adversity, ever satisfied and always successful– Perfect like your Father. Now this is something to be Happy about!
  7. Christ is the saving principle of Truth and immortality is the message. Christ is what makes Divine Presence intelligible to human consciousness. Who isn’t happy with Perfection.
  8. Joy is the happiness that stems from Spiritual understanding; eternal happiness stems from understanding Ideas, worldly happiness stems from understanding things, and intellectual happiness stems from understanding thoughts.
  9. Love: Charity and Love are sometimes interchangeable; for Divine Love is the essential force of Life. The most precious gift of all and at the same time the most available Principle. Advent 2019.
  10. From Addresses by Bicknell Young: (Told of a man who went to see a practitioner, and said to him, “Christian Science says, divine Loves meets every human need. Why haven’t I been healed?” The practitioner said to him, “Where is your divine Love?”)
    Mrs. Eddy always worked from the standpoint that disease could not stand where Love is. We need not only to believe in Love, but to live in Love, to be Love, and to know that there is no other being than Love. Love is the acme of all things, and Love is the divine Principle of all being, the Mind that is God, and the Life that is man. Love is the only essential Principle of the universe, and you cannot go beyond Principle.
  11. From the same work: “God will heal the sick through man, whenever man is governed by God.” (Science and Health, page 495:1.)

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