Meditation 2019
Title: Union with the Divine as Meditation
Non sensuality means beyond sense level living.
Meditation 2019 is a radio talk show discussing Union with the Divine as Meditation.

Meditation 2019:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the seventh stage of Kriya Yoga, Dhyana or meditation as the practice of Divine Presence. Listen as they explain why Union with the Divine is essential to achieve the meditative state. In this show they will discuss meditation as a state of being and not an isolated activity. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the light in your soul and know the Truth that makes you free.
- Meditation is the seventh stage of Kriya Yoga which means there are six previous stages that must be achieved before what is being done can be called “Meditation.” Let’s review these six stages beginning with stage 1. Yama – abstentions. Ahimsa – non injury, Satya – non lying, Asteya – non stealing, Aparigraha – non greed, and Brahmacharya – non sensuality.
- Carrier of Brahman is another way of saying Union with the Divine. The bible suggests this by saying “ask in my name” or ask in my likeness. To carry Brahman or to be in Spiritual likeness we must be in Spiritual identity. Non sensuality means beyond sense level living.
- Stage 2. Niyama – observances: purification, contentment, austerity, sacred study, and attunement to the Absolute. Greater Human potential isn’t magic; it is physics. Like attracts like, and two things can’t occupy the same space at the same time. When we incarnate, we draw from matter and mind, which is fear and limitation. We must purify ourselves from the unnecessary dependencies and then replace them with Spirit, which is truth and wholeness. If we draw from fear and limitation, we become fear and limitation. If we draw from truth and wholeness, we become Spirit!
- Stage 3. Asana – Posture. The physical appearance gives clues to the level of consciousness. When we include the internal mental work of training the mind to serve Spirit and training the body to serve the mind with the symbol of Spirit, then matter and mind come together with new information.
- Stage 4. Pranayama – control of Prana; the science of Prana (the life force) and its correlation to the thinking process. There is a direct relationship between life sustaining force number one “thought” and life sustaining force number two “breath.” Through the application of various breathing and thinking exercises, we develop the control of Prana, the life force.
- Stage 5. Pratyahara – Sense Withdrawal; Truth or Wholeness, Oneness does not report in a 5 sense mind and one must Transcend duality by lifting consciousness into the Unified State. How we think is what we become and the 3 modes of mortal thought must be left in order to access Divine Mind.
- Stage 6. Dharana – Concentration; make the mind an avenue of awareness for the Presence of the Divine by blocking out unrelated matter and focusing on Spirit.