a poster for the radio show on the Eight Stages of Kriya Yoga.

Eight Stages

Title: The Eight Essential Stages of Kriya Yoga
Kriya Yoga is a complete holistic health management system rooted in Spiritual Science.

The Eight Essential Stages of Kriya Yoga

Eight Stages is a radio show about the original format of Yoga codified by Patajali’s. They discuss some of the modern misconceptions and self-deceptions concerning the subject of Yoga.

Stage 1 Yamas for K8 1-2 DVDStage 2 NiyamasA poster for Stage 3 Asana also called KA Home.Stage 4 PranyamaStage 5 PratyaharaStage 6 DharanaStage 7 DhyanaStage 8 Samadhi

Eight Stages: Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about Kriya Yoga as Union with the Divine; “the eight essential stages of Kriya Yoga” are a complete holistic health management system that translate into a path of action, a path of knowledge, and a path of devotion. These lifestyle strategies are designed to initiate a process in physiological, psychological/spiritual development that unfolds in three phases: prepersonal or unconscious awareness, personal or self-conscious awareness and transpersonal or super-conscious awareness. Total Consciousness is the goal of Yoga.”.  Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance get the Light in your soul and unlock you hidden potential.

1. Essential stages not options
2. Sequential– they build on each other.
3. Brahmacharya comes before Saucha; get another branch in your other hand.
4. CS Lewis driving somewhere and you miss your turn; to continue going may not get you closer to your destination.
5. Watered down “yoga,” modified, diluted, self-made systems, usually effect the outcome.
6. In fact if what is being taught isn’t in 8 essential stages it shouldn’t be called Yoga.
7. The first 4 stages are the practices; action, knowledge, and devotion.
8. The last 4 stages are the process; yes the practices are designed to do something.
9. The physics of Spirituality– the evidence procedure of the process.
10. Change your desire and you change your nature.
11. Misconceptions and self-deceptions

Here at IPD we focus on the physics of Spirituality; Kriya Yoga is a practice designed to do something and having a clear understanding of your goal will facilitate results. We are a performance based Kriya Yoga Center that is employing revolutionary new ideas into the ancient spiritual science of Kriya Yoga. We have updated the ancient texts to meet modern day challenges.

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