Stage 7 Dhyana

Kriya Yoga Dhyana


Dhyana or Meditation is a series of breathing techniques and exercises experienced from a different level of consciousness a different degree of awareness. It is the connection to the Life Force (Prana) that makes this experience possible. This is stage 7 of an 8 stage process. There is a lot of preparatory work that must be in place before you actually meditate. Meditation is the 7th Stage of Yoga. Listen to the Podcast.

Purpose: Dhyana marks the shift from the effortful work of concentration to the effortless flow state of meditation. Meditation is a state of being where the mind has transcended the limits of instinct and rational thinking. The practitioner has accessed a part of the mind that can do many things at once. The success of this practice is reliant on the initial union with the Divine. Like attracts like and to draw from particles or waves (matter or mind) is duality or fear and limitation; becomes fear and limitation. However, to draw from Spirit (Truth and Wholeness) one becomes Truth and Whole. Another Podcast on Meditation.

Stage 1 Yamas for K8 1-2 DVDStage 2 NiyamasA poster for Stage 3 Asana also called KA Home.Stage 4 PranyamaStage 5 PratyaharaStage 6 DharanaStage 7 DhyanaStage 8 Samadhi

Mantra and Meditation Class Description

Listen to a Podcast on the Solar Eclipse Mantra 2/26/17.

Get Comfortable
Read about Mantra and Concentration
Read the Isha Upanishad
Chant the Isha Upanishad 108 times
Sit in Silence
Chant the Sounds that resonate to the Chakras
Finish with Yoga Mudra
Picture of Swami doing Kriya Yoga Mantra Class


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