Eclipse 2-17
The Solar Eclipse is on a 2 year, 2 month, and 28 day cycle that can be predicted by astrological events. Check the CPS Celestial Positioning System for transits.
Solar Eclipse 2/26/17 at 9:58 AM EST
Eclipse 2-17 is the union of the Sun, Moon, and Earth a symbolic joining of Spirit, Mind, and Matter the quintessential goal of Kriya Yoga. For the full report of the Solar Eclipse click here!
Eclipse 2-17
The Solar Eclipse is the New Moon phase of a 2 year, 2 month, and 28 day cycle that can be plotted in an Ephemeris ( a book of planetary placements for a period of time). By locating the phases of the Moon that correspond (within orb) with the degree and zodiacal sign, of the original Eclipse point.
Phases of the Moon that correspond with 8 degrees Pisces, 12 minutes:
New Moon Phase – 2/26/17 – 8 Pisces 12 – The seed is in the ground.
First Quarter Moon – 11/26/17 – 4 Pisces 38 – The seed sprouts the ground.
Full Moon Phase – 8/26/18 – 3 Pisces 12 – The sprout flowers in full bloom.
3rd Quarter Moon – 5/26/19 – 5 Pisces 9 – The flower wilts sending new seed to the ground.
The chart below is a list of the transits of the Sun and Mars to the Solar Eclipse point 8 Pisces 12. These transits can be triggers for events, circumstances, and or situations to assist you in looking for the Myth of the Solar Eclipse. The Myth is a central theme that will be very specific and individual to what the Eclipse means for you. For the full report of the Solar Eclipse click here!
The primary intention of this practice is to be able to determine the difference between a secular practice of Yoga from a Spiritual practice of Yoga. It is essential to understand that a practice can only be one or the other but never both. A Spiritual practice of Yoga isn’t something that happens to us by accident– it is a conscious decision and has a very specific result. Unlike a lot of the obscure language that is thrown around in the new age yoga and celebrity spiritual communities– Kriya Yoga is an exact science. Nothing “Spiritual” happens because of an astrological event. The astrological event is only an opportunity for one who is trained and prepared to participate with the energy available at that given moment.
The Solar Eclipse (Eclipse 2-17) is the union of Sun, Moon, and Earth and symbolizes the joining of Spirit with mind and matter. We will call this dynamic the Union of the individual with the Divine. Another way of saying this is rebirthing of the body into Spirit. On a pragmatic level it translates into “using what you need to produce the feeling in your body that you are ok.” This means that we must “transform” from a human using particles or wave (things visible and tangible or things invisible but tangible), into a human using “Void” or “Nothing” (the invisible and intangible source of sustenance); for validation.
This internal connection is what we call “getting the Light in your Soul,” or Initiation– the moment we begin using the Life Force (Void, Nothing, God, Unified Field, etc.) as the symbol our body uses to produce the feeling it is alright (Santosha – Contentment). Then your practice of Yoga is now a Spiritual Practice. Everything else is secular.
1. One of the biggest benefits of Initiation is Collective Purpose. A reason to be alive other than just stay alive. You can’t experience Apotheosis and not want to share it with the world.
2. Getting the Light in your Soul means you will receive virtue to overcome fear, wisdom to overcome ignorance, enthusiasm to overcome laziness, and purpose to overcome selfishness.
3. The difference between pretending to be Spiritual and being Spiritual is found in what you champion.
4. The use of Mantra can be similar to the use of duck calling in hunting. The basic purpose is nourishment or food. Sustenance is the underlying goal– to use Prana as the source of renewal.
5. Making the physical body a temple to house the Holy Spirit. The environment must be suitable for the Life Force. Clean and Quiet for Eclipse 2-17. For the full report of the Solar Eclipse click here!