Bridging Reality
Title: Bridging the Gap to Reality
Listen as they discuss the difference between thinking with the five corporeal senses and Knowing with the seven Spiritual senses.
Bridging Reality is a radio talk show with the title Bridging the Gap to Reality.

Bridging Reality:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the shifting thought from a mental/material basis to a Spiritual basis and the expectations for this dynamic. Listen as they discuss the difference between thinking with the five corporeal senses and Knowing with the seven Spiritual senses. In this show they will explore some of the benefits for wanting to upgrade from sense to Soul. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your Soul and live without mistake.
- We will be talking about statements like, “the kingdom of Heaven is at hand” “I have overcome the world” I leave this world and go to my Father.” At some point we begin to see Spirit is a demonstrable Principle, a Law, and a present help. What we are learning is how to access the Divine Power and not just believe in it, or hope it will activate, but Demonstrate Divine Law with Scientific certainty.
- The gap here may be experienced as the transition from thinking to Knowing when we stop thinking with the mortal mind and activate Spiritual sense. This will be referred to as the birth of Christ or born of Spirit but it is a real experience and has an evidence procedure. We can begin by building a mental landscape to support the Divine Principle of One Being.
- Soundbite from Herb Fitch RO, 25A to help us establish the difference between mortal mind and the Christ Mind. Herb Fitch RO 25A, “Peace, Beauty, Truth, Harmony, Life, Love can only function in and through the Christ mind and until we are in the Christ mind, we are divorced from the presence of Reality even though we think we’re walking in Reality.”
- Ignorance in Kriya Yoga is mistaking the false for the Real and we must educate thought up to Spiritual apprehension. This creates a delicate balance for the practitioner to know when to let go of the mortal sense and grab the Truth of Being. What we call walking reason through the open door of Revelation. The old saying, practice makes perfect has to be refined to practice makes perfect only when practice is Perfect. To hone in on the how to build a mental landscape that will support Divine Truth we have something from Gilbert Carpenter, MBE -HSF chapter 8, “man’s demonstration of divine wisdom did not keep pace with his demonstration of divine power.” To develop the technique of doing and letting Divine Mind have the floor there is an exact point of release where Divine Truth takes over and personal sense is put in the tomb. Bridging reality.
- To close what may seem to be a gap between the unreal and the Real. We must separate the wheat from the tares. We divide and conquer before we unite and stand. To do this we must establish Truth in consciousness which means we tell the Truth about the lie and the Truth about the Truth. Start with there is only One Life, it is whole, complete, Perfect, Changeless, Eternal and Infinite. Anything that does not have these qualities is a lie which is a belief in something other than One Life. By doing this we are building a mental landscape to support the Divine Principle of One Power. As Spiritual Truth begins to influence thought we have invited the Christ into consciousness by silence and stillness.
- The Spirit of Truth is not in this world, It is in the Kingdom of Heaven. Herb Fitch RO 25A, “Untruth never changes Truth. Untruth never removes Truth. Truth remains. Truth is permanent. Truth is always present and it’s not sharing its place with untruth. Untruth is the false concept entertained in the natural mind. But Truth is there and does not change because the natural mind has no faculty to witness that Truth. Right where form appears to be, something else is. Yes, Spirit Itself. Spiritual form, Spiritual body, Spiritual individuality, Spiritual substance and only the Christ mind which discerns that, knows that. The human mind looking at Spiritual substance sees material form but they’re not both there.”
- The physical world is a mental image but the more Divinely Mental the more harmonious and indestructible it will appear. Herb Fitch RO 25A, “As you pare away untruth, ultimately only Truth is left and when you’re in Truth, why you’re in the Christ mind. The Christ mind can only witness Truth and until you are only witnessing Truth, you’re in the anti-Christ mind.” As we reformat our value system and upgrade to Spiritual standard we then understand, whatever is not Divine Truth, is not here– it is a lie. More Herb, “Behind the mortal form, the non-divine form is the invisible Divine and unless you’re willing to look at and through the non-divine which is not of God, you will not know the Divine which is of God. You will not enter that realm which is Reality.” —- “Untruth never changes Truth. Truth is ever present, ever perfect, ever infinite, ever real, ever made of the living Spirit and it does not change because the human thought patterns see something untrue.” —-“Always, what you’re looking at and which you think to be present is not what is there but what the world mind is picturing to you.”
- What do we do about the lies? Stop thinking and start Knowing. As Herb says, “And all that is necessary for you is not to change what is out there but to change minds. To change from the mind which perceives to the Christ mind which knows only what God placed there is there. And as you change minds, you don’t have to change any of the forms.” Repent means think differently.