Title: The Aftermath of Mothers’ Day.
Aftermath is a radio talk show following Mothers’ Day 2016. The subject is on the difference between a healthy family and a dysfunctional family. It is good to recognize the difference.
The Aftermath of Mothers’ Day
Aftermath is a radio talk show following Mothers’ Day 2016. The subject is on the difference between a healthy family and a dysfunctional family. It is good to recognize the difference.

Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the operations of a functional family. Pleasant interaction free from guilt, shame, anger, resentment, blame, emptiness and boredom. They will explain how this “Union with the Divine” enables us to have health relations; even with our mothers. Listen as they point out some of the pitfalls of the dysfunctional family. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness!
Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance get the Light in your soul and become a whole person in the adult stage.
1. James Redfield in his book The Celestine Prophecy— where he talked about control dramas.
2. Defines what we call relationships today– we compete for energy instead of unconditionally give.
3. Talk about the separation Myth and what it means.
4. Oedipus Complex – the boy married to Mother
5. Woman must be subservient to the man?
6. Talk about principles and not gender interpretations male female references.
7. Dynamics of addictions anytime we have a “human reduced to a subhuman image.”
8. Points of passage and the first point is to separate from infantile defense mechanisms.
9. Talk about the differences between humans in the larvae state and adult states.
10. Put God first means use what you need to validate yourself.
11. What we desire is what we become– Train the mind to serve Spirit and train the body to receive Spirit as a source of validation.
12. Dynamics of addictions anytime we have a “human reduced to a subhuman image.”
13. Stand in fear and we stand to lose.
14. Divide and Conquer before we can unite and stand.