Happiness 2018
Title: International Happiness and Spring Equinox.
Happiness 2018 is a radio talk show discussing the possibilities of happiness for an individual and the timing of Spring Equinox.
International Happiness 2018 and Spring Equinox
Happiness 2018 is a radio talk show discussing the possibilities of happiness for an individual and the timing of Spring Equinox.

Happiness 2018
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about International Day of Happiness and the Spring Equinox. Listen as they break down happiness into varying degrees of enjoyment and the element of timing. Not all happiness is equal and during the Spring Equinox day and night are equal. There is a difference in understanding happiness based on the laws of attraction and the laws of opposites. What we are attracted to will determine our nature and our fate. There is a distinction between worldly happiness, intellectual happiness, and eternal happiness. Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance get the Light in your soul and experience the benefits of Eternal Happiness.
Happiness 2018 Notes:
1. Happiness is a feeling that is associated with a symbol– it is the gratification of a desire. We can’t have a feeling without a thing, thought, or a conscious connection to the Void.
2. Thesaurus and you get– contentment, pleasure, gladness, cheerfulness, joy, glee, bliss, delight, exhilaration, and ecstasy.
3. New Moon in26° Pisces 53′ in the 11th house was a great time to start to understand the Truth that sets us free by letting go of all the false and limiting beliefs we may be supporting that vails us from the Light of Eternal Love.
4. Spring Equinox is tomorrow at 12:16 pm the Sun goes into Aries 0°- 10th hours. The Moon is in Taurus 8° – 11th house and we have Saturn 8° and Mars 1° Capricorn – 6th house; which are trine the Moon and square the Sun.
5. Happy is what we move towards and what we desire. Where our treasure there our heart.
6. What makes us happy becomes our nature. There is a difference between worldly happiness, intellectual happiness, and eternal happiness. This break down give us a better way to understand the different words associated with happiness.
7. For me words like contentment, pleasure, gladness are associated with worldly happiness. Words like cheerfulness, joy, glee, and delight are more associated with intellectual happiness. And words like– bliss, exhilaration and ecstasy are associated with the experience of eternal happiness.
8. These feelings can correspond with phases in development– the unconscious awareness of a human in the larvae state embroiled in the physical world of particles. The self-conscious awareness of the human in the chrysalis state lost in the astral/mental world of waves or energy. The super-conscious awareness of the human in the adult state thriving on the Life Force in the arms of Spirit.
9. Prey on Prana and experience the bliss, wonder, awe of being in tandem with the Life Force– the nothing which is pure, powerful, and sacred.
10. Next week