Thanksgiving 2016
Title: Thanksgiving 2016 and Union with the Divine.
Thanksgiving 2016 at Institute For Personal Development, Inc. “Kriya Yoga Ashram” is a radio talk show discussing a Kriya Yoga way to celebrate the holiday.
Thanksgiving 2016 and Union with the Divine
Thanksgiving 2016 is a radio show discussing the concept of gratitude for our Union with the Divine. It talks about how to keep food in its proper place by getting connected to the Life Force.

Thanksgiving 2016
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will be talking about the holiday of Thanksgiving on 11/24/16; they will discuss the importance of gratitude in the process of becoming Divine. Listen as they explain the value of “food” in human development and how to keep it in perspective. Like attracts like; and two things can’t occupy the same space at the same time. Prey on Prana and get the best return on your efforts– nothing delivers like the Life Force. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the light in your soul and help bring peace to the earth.
1. Thanksgiving is a time to be grateful.
2. Prana is our number 1 life sustaining force.
3. Food is our number 4 life sustaining force.
4. Completion can’t happen in the physical world; must transform.
5. Happiness is a state of mind; gratitude for what we have fuels happiness.
6. Can Thanksgiving be celebrated without killing a Turkey?
7. Hierarchy of needs; 1. Prana, 2. Air, 3. Water, 4. Food.
8. To put a lesser god in the place of a greater god creates a failure force.
9. Appreciations, Cheers, Merits, Credits, Recognitions, Obligations, Acknowledgements, Tributes.
10. 1530s, “the giving of thanks,” from thanks (n.) + present participle of give(v.). In the specific sense of “public celebration acknowledging divine favors” thanksgiving dates from 1630s (the first one in America was held October 1621 by Plymouth Colony Pilgrims in appreciation of assistance from members of the Massasoit tribe and celebration of the first harvest); though Thanksgiving Day itself is not attested until 1670s.
11. Show gratitude, Express gratitude, Be grateful, Acknowledge, Recognize.