A poster for the radio talk show titled Spiritual Riches for Real Existence.
Upcoming Show 2-17-25 Spiritual Riches for Real Existence.

Spiritual Riches

Title: Spiritual Riches for Real Existence.
Listen as they explain how and why “I want” obscures “I am” because the Spirit is All in All.

A picture of Lisa and Kenny doing the radio talk show titled Spiritual Riches for Real Existence.
Lisa and Kenny on the radio February 2025

Spiritual Riches:

Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the statement in the twenty third Psalm “I shall not want” as the key to experiencing a Spiritually successful Life. Listen as they explain how and why “I want” obscures “I am” because the Spirit is All in All. In this episode they will discuss the operations of the Divine Principle along with the rule for Its manifestation.  Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and want nothing.


  1. Inspired by the 1937 Christian Science Journal article by Marion F. Beckler titled “I Shall Not Want.” When I first opened the Kriya Yoga Ashram I would say, “there is nothing wrong with wanting” if you don’t get what you want you don’t respond as if you are in danger. The problem begins when we elevate wants to the level of need and respond as if in danger when not fulfilled. This teaching helped me make a clear distinction between life and death reactions to being able to make more intelligent decisions. However, it is only a coping skill to being able to manage the testimony of the corporeal senses and make the human experience more enjoyable. Today, we have a different goal which is liberation from the belief in mortality and walk in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
  2. Step out of time into Eternity is an attainable aspiration when we have developed the faculty which perceives the Truth of Being– the Divine creation everywhere always. To help us understand this faculty we develop; we have a soundbite from Herb Fitch RSJ 3A with Key points:
    . “And it reveals seven steps; seven steps that take us from man of Earth to Son of God. But it does more than reveal the seven steps that take us to Son of God. Those same seven steps are seven veils lifted up to reveal that the one who started out on the seven steps was the Son of God at the beginning of the journey.”” “The Revelation is that there is no mortal man, there never was.”” “The Revelation is that there is no mortal man, there never was.”” “The Truth is that Jesus discovered something that no religion in the world is willing to teach, let alone to believe. And that is that you are Divine now.”
  3. To help us move beyond the influence of orthodox religion we just listened to the soundbite by Herb Fitch RSJ, 3A. Spirit is a demonstrable Principle and testifies with deeds– not words. Provided we have made the commitment to trust the invisible intangible Omnipresence and have a clear understanding on the Omnipotence of the Principle we begin to rely on our belief. Begin to use the Principle by using the five corporeal sense testimony to assure we are receiving the Spiritual fruits and not mental/material finite good.
  4. One with God is the majority, learning to stand alone. By testing the connection we are sensitive enough to hear the call and strong enough to walk a solitary path. Giving up the “need” for external reinforcement while receiving the wellspring of Divine Revelation isn’t difficult when we have developed the faculty and mastered the mind/body complex. No longer settling for human satisfaction but aspiring for Spiritual Truth, the Perfection of Being.
  5. Living under the influence of Spiritual awareness by denying anything unlike the Divine Self. How to do this without falling into pantheism or becoming a contradiction. Tell the truth about the lie and tell the truth about the Truth across the board. As John told us what God didn’t make wasn’t made– there is no good and evil world of energy. Being a faithful witness of the Divine creation must create harmony and love in the appearance. There is no iniquity in the Divine Mind.

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