Remember Who
Title: Remembering Who I Am
Remembering where I come from is the ultimate coping skill one can develop. To Know I am Spirit, always was and always will be, without need, breaks the hypnotism of the mortal sense of life.
Remember Who is a radio talk show titled Remembering Who I Am.

Remember Who:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the idea of remembering who you were before you accepted life in a mortal body. In this show they will discuss the difference between personal sense and impersonal Spiritual Identity. Listen as they diagram the miracle of chapter nine in the book of John where Jesus reveals the Divine Self to the blind beggar. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your Soul and live as the Divine Self.
- In this show we will talk about the Mystical I, the I am that I am of Moses and the before Abraham was I am of Jesus. The One Perfect Divine Life, I am everywhere always. We don’t make ourselves a mystical I but we come out of a belief in anything unlike the Eternal Spirit of I am.
- Remembering where I come from is the ultimate coping skill one can develop. To Know I am Spirit, always was and always will be, without need, breaks the hypnotism of the mortal sense of life. There is no fear in the Divine Self. Fear is the defense mechanism for the false sense of life which believes in two powers.
- Purification is the process of eliminating the unnecessary to expose the necessary. Refining the mind/body complex to make it sensitive enough to hear the call of the invisible inaudible sound of Silence. Strengthening the mind/body complex so it can resist the temptations of sense level living. Train the mind to serve Spirit and train the body to receive Spirit for validation. Acquiring a taste for the invisible intangible Omnipresent Spirit as the symbol for validation. The bible calls this dynamic “Loving God.” No longer dependent upon things visible and tangible (persons, places, things, matter and form) and nor things invisible but tangible (thoughts, beliefs, concepts, Theories and change)
- Change and movement are mortal qualities. Spirit is Changeless the activity of Spirit is Stillness and the language of Spirit is Silence. We talk about life without Principle which translates into unconscious of the Divine Principle which is everywhere always. We can look at the idea of losing site of the Truth that Life is Eternal, Changeless and Perfect. And what we are calling life this human mortal sense of a temporary life isn’t Life at all. Life is purely Spiritual and the mind we are using to create this hypnotic state, this dream state can’t free itself from its own creation. We need to do something so let’s look at words like repent to think differently or turn back to how we were before we accepted a mortal sense of life.
- Soundbite from Herb Fitch RSJ 1A for some insight on the Omnipresence of the Divine Self.