Prayer 2019
Title: Prayer isn’t Asking it’s Knowing.
Listen to learn the scientific prayer found in Spiritual understanding.
Prayer 2019 is a radio talk show with the title Prayer isn’t Asking it’s Knowing.

Prayer 2019
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk more about the deeper insights revealed to them through the scientific prayer found in spiritual understanding. Listen as they explain how wishing, hoping, and asking violates Divine Law and perpetuates a belief in two powers. In this show they will focus on how conflicting beliefs burden thought and thwart the elevation of consciousness– human striving is not the Divine way. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the light in your soul and activate Spiritual Truth in your experience.
Notes :
- Joel Goldsmith said ” We are admonished: “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” Spiritually, we understand this to mean that we are not to judge man by appearances, but consciously to know and understand the spiritual nature of his being; to recognize Spirit as the law and source and activity of individual being. To look upon man as he appears to be—mortal, material, finite, sick, well, rich, poor—is to bear false witness against him. To recognize and realize Christ as the true identity of everyone, and to understand Love as man’s true nature, is to pray for him.”
- Key point: if we are asking for anything we are admitting we are not eternal Spirit. All our pleading, begging and bargaining to an anthropomorphic deity is just a false concept of the Divine Idea of prayer 2019.
- “Prayer cannot change the Science of being, but it tends to bring us into harmony with it.” Mary Baker Eddy S&H 2:15 We must rise above sense level living into the Divine Truth of being. It is foolish to try to bring Divine Law down to the human sense level of consciousness. In essence, stop trying to patch up the false sense and ignore the Truth of being. The reverse is science, ignore the false sense appearance and know the Truth.
- Personal sense is the barrier to Spiritual understanding. We must free consciousness from the material moorings; the fifth stage of Kriya Yoga Pratyahara, and make consciousness buoyant with Divine virtue.
- Mary Baker Eddy S&H 13:20 “If we pray to God as a corporeal person, this will prevent us from relinquishing the human doubts and fears which attend such a belief, and so we cannot grasp the wonders wrought by infinite, incorporeal Love, to whom all things are possible. Because of human ignorance of the divine Principle, Love, the Father of all is represented as a corporeal creator; hence men recognize themselves as merely physical, and are ignorant of man as God’s image or reflection and of man’s eternal incorporeal existence. The world of error is ignorant of the world of Truth, — blind to the reality of man’s existence, — for the world of sensation is not cognizant of life in Soul, not in body.”
- Mary Baker Eddy S&H 14:1 “If we are sensibly with the body and regard omnipotence as a corporeal, material person, whose ear we would gain, we are not “absent from the body” and “present with the Lord” in the demonstration of Spirit. We cannot “serve two masters.” To be “present with the Lord” is to have, not mere emotional ecstasy or faith, but the actual demonstration and understanding of Life as revealed in Christian Science. To be “with the Lord” is to be in obedience to the law of God, to be absolutely governed by divine Love, — by Spirit, not by matter.
Become conscious for a single moment that Life and intelligence are purely spiritual, — neither in nor of matter, — and the body will then utter no complaints. If suffering from a belief in sickness, you will find yourself suddenly well. Sorrow is turned into joy when the body is controlled by spiritual Life, Truth, and Love. Hence the hope of the promise Jesus bestows: “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; . . . because I go unto my Father,” — [because the Ego is absent from the body, and present with Truth and Love.] The Lord’s Prayer is the prayer of Soul, not of material sense.” - Mary Baker Eddy S&H 15:23 “The Master’s injunction is, that we pray in secret and let our lives attest our sincerity.” “Without a fitness for holiness we cannot receive holiness”