Laughter 2018
Title: World Laughter Day with the Divine.
Laughter 2018 is a radio talk show titled World Laughter Day with the Divine and discussing the benefits of levity in human advancement.
World Laughter Day with the Divine
Laughter 2018 is a radio talk show titled World Laughter Day with the Divine and discussing the benefits of levity in human advancement.

Laughter 2018
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about world Laughter Day and the idea of enlightenment in Kriya Yoga. They will discuss the possibilities and degrees of laughter from happiness. Learn the differences between worldly happiness, intellectual happiness and Eternal Happiness. The levity of laughter may be a way to lighten up our identity to conform with Divine Law seeking expression. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance get the Light in your soul and enjoy the benefits of Eternal Happiness.
Laughter 2018 Notes:
1. Laughter is usually associated with happiness. The key here is to internalize your number one need as a symbol that produces the feeling that we are happy.
2. On a primal level the organism moves toward what it wants and away from what it doesn’t want.
3. What we desire gives us a clue as to what we move towards.
4. Not all happiness is “equal” worldly, intellectual are dualistic and deal with two powers. It is essential to understand that a belief in anything but “God” keeps us in the realms of sin, sickness, suffering and death. Belief in God is the Truth that makes us free.
5. Eternal Happiness is Divine Law and unchanging.
6. What do you think of laughing Yoga. It is the opposite of Spiritual Yoga because it addresses “effect” and Spiritual Yoga addresses the “cause.” It may work on the fake it until you make it mentality.
7. Great song for this: The Pretender by Jackson Browne we looked at phony laughing and how this effected us. We notice that pretending to laugh did make us laugh. Making laughter contagious.