Heart Treasure
Title: Bringing Divine Treasure to the Heart
Like attracts like. Matthew 6:21 “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”
Heart Treasure is a radio talk show with the title Bringing Divine Treasure to the Heart.

Heart Treasure:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about training the mortal mind to serve Spirit and training the physical body to serve Spirit in order to walk reason through the open door of Revelation. Listen as they discuss the stages in human development leading to freedom from the belief in material law. In this show they will explore Matthew 6:21 “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your Soul and live under the protection of Divine Law.
- I was inspired to do this title by something I found in Gilbert Carpenter‘s book Mary Baker Eddy, Her Spiritual Precepts. “Adelaide Still, who was Mrs. Eddy’s maid from 1907 on, writes, “She told us that she found herself on the mount of revelation, where all was good; there was no evil to her consciousness, but she did not know how she got there.” In order that the revelation should be proved practical in redeeming mankind, she had to come down from this mount and keep the way to prove it daily. Mrs. Eddy’s first attainment of spirituality was as a “natural.” As such she had no expectation that she would find another “natural,” to work with her. But when she put aside her natural sense of Christian Science and began to function exactly as did her students under the rules that had been revealed to her, she had every expectation that her own growth would be the growth of her students, at least to a very great degree. She felt that it was only as a “natural” that she was leagues beyond them, and she was willing to put that all aside and start afresh. But to her disappointment she did not find any students who understood and applied the revelation as she did. She went right ahead progressing, while they chemicalized over her forward steps. Mrs. Eddy was like one who inherits a great fortune, and then voluntarily puts it aside to accumulate one through his own efforts.”
- When I first met Christian Science through S&H my first impression was seeing the similarity between the Spiritual Science of Kriya Yoga and the Divine Science of the book. After closer observation and more exposure to modern day CS I came to the conclusion: CS starts from the top down and KY starts from the bottom up. We start with the physical body and the human concept of mind and then rebirth the body in Spirit. This provides a much needed foundation for the graduation from sense to Soul. The support of the physical body is an essential component in transcending duality. The symbolism is found with Jesus riding into Jerusalem on the colt of an ass or Lao Tzu riding the bull.
- Bringing Divine Treasure to the Heart
- The heart is the core of existence and the primitive level is instinct, appetite and survival. When we value personal sense we are protective of the physical form this is “normal” but when we remain in the original state of consciousness there is no growth. Growth must be initiated because we can survive and not grow at the sense level of consciousness but we are under the government of material law; duality or a belief in two powers. Under the law of karma.
- In Kriya Yoga it is said the nature is determined by the sum of the habits. The idea of Love God as the key to Life becomes clear when we understand what it really means to desire the invisible intangible Divine Omnipresence. Keeping in mind the simple fact we can’t serve two masters and what that looks like when we observe it correctly.