Friendship 2019
Title: New Moon in Aquarius for Friendship
Friendship 2019 at Institute For Personal Development, Inc. “Kriya Yoga Ashram” is a radio talk show discussing the New Moon in Aquarius on 2/4/19.
Friendship 2019 at Institute For Personal Development, Inc. “Kriya Yoga Ashram” is a radio talk show discussing the New Moon in Aquarius on 2/4/19.

Friendship 2019
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will be talking about the New Moon on February 4, 2019 at 04:04 PM EST in Aquarius. This lunation has a sextile to Jupiter and is conjunct Mercury; making it a conduit to the lower mind and the higher mind. In the process of Spiritual development the contact is found in thought unity which exists between Divine Mind and the real individual. Listen as they explain the benefits of aspects to Mercury and Jupiter. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the light in your soul and connect with the Perfection of Being.
Friendship 2019 Notes:
- When cross examining the Chakras that are associated with the planets we fine Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo (lower mind and mid mind) and Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces (higher mind and Divine Mind).
- The Sun rules Leo and the Moon rules Cancer; the path of descending Prana begins at the feminine terminal of the Third Eye Center or Ajna Chakra which is represented by the Moon which rules Cancer. Prana descends touching the feminine terminal of the lower six Chakras then switches back and ascends touching the masculine terminal of the lower six Chakras exiting at the masculine side of the Third Eye Center Ajna Chakra.
- In the process of development we can use the progression of consciousness to follow the Zodiac from Gemini, to Virgo, to Sagittarius and this is represented as the plight of awareness from matter, to mind, to world mind and then fullfilment can be found in Pisces which is representing Divine Mind and the Creative Principle of the Universe and Man.
- Am I individualized by world mind or am I individualized by Divine Mind.