Title: Why Caterpillars Can’t Fly
Without wings caterpillars crawl and without Divine Mind humans seem to have problems.
Fly is a radio talk show with the title Why Caterpillars Can’t Fly.

Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about Apotheosis, the process of becoming Divine, as the dark night of the Soul. Listen as they discuss the metamorphosis of a caterpillar as the metaphor for the human becoming Divine. In this show they will compare scriptural stories to substantiate the essential practices for humans to graduate from larvae to adult. Caterpillars can’t fly because they don’t have wings, just as humans unconscious of Divine Truth can’t demonstrate the Principle of Perfection. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your Soul and demonstrate Divine Law.
- Caterpillars can’t fly and humans in the larvae state can’t demonstrate Divine Law with Scientific certainty. There are many reasons why the human race continues to reincarnate and the most obvious is the loss of initiation in development. We think going to parties where alcohol is served is a rite of passage. The term in Yoga is avidya which is ignorance or the mistaking of the impermanent for the permanent. We have collectively lost touch with the process in development and the direction we are going isn’t getting us any closer to the Truth.
- Chrysalis phase in development. The term in Yoga is Namaste meaning “I bow to the Divinity within.” Kriya Yoga recognizes Spiritual equality. We are all equally Divine. However, we may not all be conscious of this Truth. To be conscious of the Divine Omnipresence one must be sensitive enough to hear the call and strong enough to walk a solitary path. The journey from the many to the One; never alone to always alone. The Key questions to ask; is Am I ready? How do I do this? Do I have a plan?
- Butterfly phase in development. Rise out of the belief in sense into the understanding of Soul. The important point is the healing consciousness must be built according to Joel Goldsmith in Heart of Mysticism he wrote, ” The activity of the Christ is possible to you and to me in the measure that we can grasp it and live it, but it is just as available to anybody in the world who is willing to devote time, effort, thought, money, and study to it. It does require all of those things. It requires devotion because Christ-consciousness is not merely the acquisition of knowledge: It is the development of a state of consciousness.”
- Mary Baker Eddy says “Mortals must gravitate Godward, their affections and aims grow spiritual, — they must near the broader interpretations of being, and gain some proper sense of the infinite, — in order that sin and mortality may be put off. (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 265:5)”
- “When you have passed to the point where Divine will Itself is all that you respond to, when you have built the inner ear of response to the Will of the Father, when you have accepted yourself as the immortal Self, the Spirit, the living child of God, then Divine Will activates you and moves you up into Jerusalem fifteen furlongs away, and these fifteen would represent successive states of development that will come after Bethany. New progressions in consciousness made possible only when Divine will is the motivating force of your being.” Herb Fitch Realization of Oneness 13B.