Error 2019
Title: Error is Human to Forgive Divine
All error is a signal that we are not accepting the presence of perfect Spiritual Law.
Error 2019 is a radio talk show exploring the saying, “to err is human, to forgive divine,” An Essay on Criticism by Alexander Pope.

Error 2019
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the complexity of the thought process for a human being. In this show they will explore the saying “to err is human, to forgive divine,” An Essay on Criticism by Alexander Pope. Listen as they discuss the possibilities that present themselves as an individual forsakes human criticism for Divine knowing. There are no lasting advantages to becoming a good human; step out of this old theology into a new Spiritual you. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the light in your soul and experience the benefits of Divine giving.
- Old theology implies “something that you say that means that it is natural for people to make mistakes and it is important to forgive people when they do.” This line of thinking completely misses the message of the Christ which says, “be perfect like your Father.” Or as Mary Baker Eddy says, in “The Body” “For this teaching deals only with the changing conditions of the personal mentality and not with the changeless state of being, the changeless Mind, the omnipresence.”
- She goes on to say in the same article, “Paul tells us, “not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves, but our sufficiency is of God.” (2 Cor 3:5) Our sufficiency to think is of God; our ability to form thoughts and opinions is of our own ignorance, our belief in duality, but our power or sufficiency to think is when we think with God, as God.”
- In this model being human is a level of consciousness that is accepted as a belief in two powers. Humans are mortal, critical, judgmental, and limited to a divided view of everything. To be human is to be individualized by the world mind which is the shadow of Divine Mind and under the law of karma. The human experience is for “getting;” as opposed to the Divine experience which is for “giving.”
- To be Divine in this model means the acceptance of Spiritual Identity– to be individualized by Divine Mind and to be too pure to behold iniquity. To be reborn of the Spirit is to be under the government of the Divine law of life; absolute goodness and eternal life. As we said, it is for giving; we must serve God which means we display Divine qualities only.
- The term in Kriya Yoga is Avidya or ignorance which is when we mistake the finite for the infinite, the impermanent for the permanent; a very common human error.
- In RSJ class 1-1 Herb Fitch says, “Only through the indwelling Spirit in you; can you know God;” we must know ourselves in the way we are known by the Creator which is Spiritual. Only Christ knows Christ and Like attracts Like.
- The major error is when we think we are Spiritual but we are still hypnotized by a belief in matter, mortality, and two powers.
- Spirit is Absolute, Whole, Complete, Eternal, and only Good. Because it is whole it does not report in a human sense mind. We keep looking, seeking, asking for something but Spirit rests in perfect Divine Unity.