Eclipse Utility
Title: Utilizing the Solar Eclipse Cycle
The Solar Eclipse may be used as the gestation period for what can be called the “Virgin Birth” or the “birth of Christ;” terms used to represent Spiritual birth.
Eclipse Utility is a radio talk show titled Utilizing the Solar Eclipse Cycle

Eclipse Utility:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the two year, two month, and twenty eight day cycle found in every Solar Eclipse. Listen as they discuss the gestation period for what can be called the “Virgin Birth” or the “birth of Christ;” terms used to represent Spiritual birth. In this show they will explore the phases of the Moon associated with the Solar Eclipse of 12/4/21 at 12° Sagittarius 22′; to correspond with the generic dawning of Spiritual light in human consciousness. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and initiate your developmental process.
- Astrology can be a wonderful tool in understanding the underlying infinite Spiritual Body. Experience the miracle of accepting and living in the knowledge of the infinite Spiritual Body which takes care of what is called the personal physical body.
- Consciousness is experience! To be conscious of the Divine Creation we need the Mind of Christ which is born of the Knowledge of Truth. The union of Soul with the Divine without man is the meaning of the Virgin Birth.
- Jesus tells Nicodemus we must be born again of water and the Spirit.
- Revelations talks of the second death; the first death is death to Christ and born of the flesh.
- Martha Wilcox lesson to be faithful and orderly with the objects of sense to facilitate access to the deeper things of the Divine Creation. Statements: Like attracts like, what surrounds us is within us, how we think is what we become, consciousness is experience.
- The phases of the Moon which correspond with the Solar Eclipse
New Moon 12/4/21 – 12° Sagittarius 22′ ; the seed is in the ground; Divine Omnipresence is always at hand but we are not always conscious of It. The Solar Eclipse is a visible activity to remind creation of this union of awareness to Spirit. The Sun and Moon are conjunct revealing the faith and order of the objects of sense under the control of Divine Law.
First Quarter 9/3/22 – 11° Sagittarius 14″ ; the seed sprouts; by remaining conscious of the Divine creation we will now have demonstrated living above corporeal sense. This sprouting of the seed may be called the birthing of the Christ which makes the Divine Creation comprehensive to human consciousness. In a sense we are given one of the two eagle feathers in Revelations; one symbolizing awareness of the Divine Will the activity of the Holy Spirit the Divine idea.
Full Moon 6/4/23 – 13° Sagittarius 18′ ; the flower blooms; stepping out into the full light of the Divine Consciousness we are given the second eagle feather which demonstrates the Divine Will.
Third Quarter 3/3/24 13° Sagittarius 32′ ; the flower wilts and new seeds go to the ground. In development from material identity to Spiritual identity– as the old withers and the new flourishes. We put off the false concept of a personal sense of self and we graduate to the impersonal Spiritual Infinite One Divine Self.