Cosmic TV
Title: The Art of Watching Cosmic TV.
This show may help with understanding the Yoga Sutra command to enlist constant practice of detachment and continuous restraint of the thought variations.
Cosmic TV is a radio talk show with the title The Art of Watching Cosmic TV.

Cosmic TV:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the unreality of the mental material universe and why the Yoga Sutra’s suggest constant practice of detachment and continuous restraint of the thought variations. Listen as they explain the difference between rational thinking and the meditative state of Divine Knowing. In this show they will discuss the practice of detachment from the corporeal sense impressions while abiding in the Truth of Being. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and be a faithful witness of Divine Truth.
- We are learning to perceive the testimony of the corporeal senses in a similar way we would look at a TV show or movie with detachment by not fearing, loving, or hating anything appearing on the human mortal scene. Something from Herb Fitch RSJ 22A “
You cannot be both mammon and the Spirit. You cannot be both mortal and immortal. You cannot be both matter and Spirit. And so while we cling, we are disobedient and while we are disobedient, we cannot hear the perfect Will of the Father within us, leading us to a Mansion beyond our present level of awareness. This rejection of the Spirit, leaves us in a state of frustration wondering why though we seem dedicated, though we earnestly seek, we still remain unable to break through those barriers which stand in the way of our illumination.”
Freedom comes when the Spirit of the Lord enters your Consciousness, and it cannot enter the consciousness that is trying to bring the kingdom of God into this world. - What we are calling life isn’t Life at all. So, what is Life? As Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “Become conscious for a single moment that Life and intelligence are purely spiritual, — neither in nor of matter, — and the body will then utter no complaints.” S&H 14:12
- It is essential to begin to perceive the testimony of the material senses as unreal. “
Nothing we can say or believe regarding matter is immortal, for matter is temporal and is therefore a mortal phenomenon, a human concept, sometimes beautiful, always erroneous. (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 277:29) - A word of caution from Mary Baker Eddy found in Principle and Practice. We can play the soundbite. Notes: “
THE nature and position of mortal mind are the opposite of immortal Mind. The so-called mortal mind is belief and not understanding. Christian Science requires understanding instead of belief; it is based on a fixed eternal and divine Principle, wholly apart from mortal conjecture; and it must be understood, otherwise it cannot be correctly accepted and demonstrated.Christian Science is not a faith-cure, and unless human faith be distinguished from scientific healing, Christian Science will again be lost from the practice of religion as it was soon after the period of our great Master's scientific teaching and practice.
Preaching without practice of the divine Principle of man’s being has not, in nineteen hundred years, resulted in demonstrating this Principle. Preaching without the truthful and consistent practice of your statements will destroy the success of Christian Science.” - Herb Fitch RSJ 22A soundbite asking the question “How can God be Omnipotent if evil exists? Play the soundbite Notes: 1. God becomes a total living Omnipresence when we accept Spiritual identity out of the mental/material image. 2. Total trust in Divine Omnipresence nothing to change or add or taken away I am a total God. 3. “How can God be Omnipotent if evil exists? We must be a faithful witness to Divine Truth and not mortal sense. 4. This is from the 19th Chapter in Revelation where John is coming out of the old human consciousness and awakening in the Divine Truth where on earth there were many voices but in Spiritual consciousness there is only One voice. Hallelujah now, means you have graduated from human to Divine, many to One, belief to understanding, from faith to Divine Science. We are now living out from Divine Mind where saying is doing; Spirit testifies with deeds not words. Principle and Practice consciousness is experience and it all comes down to what am I conscious of.