Conduct versus Connection
Conduct doesn’t equal the connection.
Conduct versus Connection
Why all the emphasis on conduct in the religious communities? I believe, one of the biggest misconceptions in Spiritual communities is that “God” is a person monitoring our conduct. This belief leads to creating images of the cosmic “Santa Clause” doling out rewards and punishments in concert with our performances, the puppeteer overlooking the world. Falling further into ideas like– sin is disobedience to this person we call God and making sin an incident that can be excused instead of a situation that must be changed. What if – God is an energy field? Say, for example, the indivisible system talked about in David Bohm’s quantum theories. And what if – Sin was missing the mark? Meaning we are disconnected from this unified indivisible energy system. Things like Religion and Yoga were designed to help humans reconnect to this energy field. The real confusion seems to gather around the concept of connection and what does it look like when the human is connected to God or the unified field? One of the tried and true indicators is virtue because we need laws to uphold the conduct that we would do naturally if we were humans connected to Spirit. However, the conduct doesn’t equal the connection it is only a prerequisite for making the connection. We can refer back to the physics to help us with the logistics- like attracts like and two things can’t occupy the same space at the same time. Our bodies come in with a pattern and we look for matter and mind (particles and waves), the tangible aspects of reality. We must purge the body of the pattern and then prepare it for the invocation of the unified field. When we do this we are connected to God. There is only one true God, there is only one unified field, there is only one number one need. Everything else is a sin and misses the mark. |