Title: Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
Beauty at Institute For Personal Development, Inc. “Kriya Yoga Ashram” is a radio talk show discussing the effects of observation on reality.
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
Beauty is a radio talk show discussing the effects of observation on the appearance of external reality.

Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will be talking about the physics of Spirituality and how we think is what we become. In this show they will be looking at different modes of “thinking” in conjunction with the developmental process. Listen as they walk through the different paths of the TLC Labyrinth and explain how observation has effect on reality. Initiation is the unfoldment of consciousness from material to mental to Spiritual. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the light in your soul to awaken in Divine likeness.
Beauty Notes:
- Observation has effect on experiment. It is the observer that sets the measurement for the collapse of the wave function.
- The eye or the “I” of the beholder. What is the “I” of being? The concept of I AM in the bible is the presence of God.
- Beauty is based on the perception of the beholder; one man’s food is another’s poison.
- Our ability to form thoughts and opinions is of our belief in two powers which is ignorance. It is ignorant because it is sowing to the flesh and void of the Spirit.
- Moving from human thinking to Divine knowing– In Spirit there is no good or bad; beautiful or ugly it is pure beauty and absolute goodness with no opposition.
- The houses of “consciousness” may be looked at in astrology by the mutable signs and there natural placement. The Lower mind is Third house Gemini and is experienced as instinct, appetite, preservation and survival; reaction and emotional responses (awareness of matter and the laws of opposites– the first beast in Revelations). The mid mind is sixth house Virgo is experienced as rational thinking using human or mortal mind to form thoughts and opinions (the second beast in Revelations the false prophet). The higher mind is the ninth house is experienced as the world mind or collective consciousness and sometimes said to be the subconscious (the dragon in Revelations and the imitation of life). The Divine Mind is experienced as the Truth of Being and Eternal Life is experienced as the Perfection of Being (the throne in Revelations and the Will of the Father).