Always Everywhere
Title: The Precipice of Everywhere Always
“And even those who wish to do the Will of the Father are unaware of the method by which they can receive the Will of the Father.” Herb Fitch Revelation of St. John 2A.
Always Everywhere is a radio talk show with the title The Precipice of Everywhere Always.

Always Everywhere:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the Life as what the bible calls hid with Christ in God. Listen as they explore the invisible intangible Omnipresent Divine creation. In this show they will discuss the shifting of thought from a mental/material basis to a Spiritual basis. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your Soul and step out of time and space.
- For this topic I was inspired by a statement in a Christian Science Daily Lift in reference to kneeling at the feet of Christ. As I heard this it occurred to me we have to impersonalize to transcend the limitations of mortal thought. Christ must be understood as an eternal Principle and not a person. I replaced the visual to the precipice of everywhere always which is a leap beyond the typical here and now. To open the discussion I have something from Herb Fitch RSJ 1B. “Revelation means to reveal that which is. Only Christ can reveal that which is. And Revelation then becomes the expression of God through your (the) Christ Self. That is the Living Word. And that Living Word, that expression of God, in the Christ of you; is Revelation. And then it reveals in this physical, manifest universe, the fruits of Christhood. And the human self of you, becomes that living fruit of Christhood. The outer form and its conditions in this world become the fruit of the Christ Itself within. But if you let the tail wag the dog, if you let this outer mind try to channel and decide things for the Inner Christ, then you fall into the trap of all mankind that is seeking a holy grail out here.”
- The trap he is talking about is what is called sin or avidya or ignorance which is mistaking the false for the Real. He tells us further. Herb Fitch RSJ 2A, “Now a very shocking thing happens. We find that the Revelation of Christ Jesus to Christ John, tells us that the entire human race is not worshiping God, but is worshiping the wrong god, the god of this world. The Revelation tell us that the entire human race is under a state of hypnotism, living in a sense mind that is incapable of knowing God. And that all of the activities in this world, in this sense mind, are functioning not in the Will of God, but in the independent individual will of the human ego. And there we have the basis of the world problem and the individual problems that we encounter day by day. We have said “Thy will be done,” while doing our own will. And even those who wish to do the Will of the Father are unaware of the method by which they can receive the Will of the Father. And so, they march blindly in their innocence under the belief that they are worshiping God. And all they are doing is worshiping their own ego; their own sense of things, what Paul calls the god of this world which blinds men.”
- As thought shifts from a material to a mental basis we are making lateral movements at the same level of consciousness, but the mind can’t free itself from its own creation. To make the vertical leap into a Spiritual basis we need the Mind of Christ. To induce the birth of Christ in consciousness we begin by controlling mortal thought. Thinking which is forming thoughts and opinions about the information coming from the corporeal senses is producing the veil preventing visibility of the Divine creation. From here we see Christ isn’t a “something” but a state of being conscious of the Divine creation. It is the same mind which is forming thoughts and opinions without the influence of corporeal sense. We stop thinking and make the mind aware of the invisible intangible Divine Idea, the Word of God, which doesn’t report in the five sense mind.
- Why isn’t here now the Truth? Here and there is how we measure space and now and then is how we measure time which is the realm of duality and the creation of the mortal mind which isn’t capable of Knowing the Truth. To Know the Truth we need the Christ which is the saving aspect of Truth. Christ is the interface which makes the Divine Creation comprehensive to human consciousness. What we are developing here is a method for receiving the Divine Will because we can’t do it with the mortal mind and personal sense.
- Problems with personalizing the Christ. Gilbert Carpenter wrote in 500 Watching Points: “Is it not error to cherish the notion, that the ability to comprehend the deep things of God is a developed quality attained through study and application alone? True, such study and application are needed in order to know what it is that prevents students from expressing and voicing the Mind that was in Christ Jesus, a thing divinely and scientifically natural to the one whose thought is freed from the influence of mortal mind. The student’s higher task is to empty his thought so that the deep things of God may flow in.”