Title: Olympic Championships in Kriya Yoga.
Olympic Championships in Kriya Yoga is a radio show talking about the alchemical process of changing lead to gold. Listen and learn how to earn a gold medal in Living.
Olympic Championships in Kriya Yoga
Olympic Championships in Kriya Yoga is a radio show talking about the alchemical process of changing lead to gold. Listen and learn how to earn a gold medal in Living.

Olympic Gold
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk the process of changing lead to gold. The alchemical process of changing lead to gold is a metaphor for moving consciousness from Muladhara chakra to Ajna chakra. They will discuss the ultimate gold medal available to every human being. Listen as they lay out the evidence procedure for Apotheosis and show you how to stand on the podium of life. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness!
Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance get the Light in your soul and experience the benefits of your Gold medal.
1. Alchemy is a metaphor for symbolized by changing lead to gold.
2. Changing lead to gold is experienced by raising consciousness from muladhara chakra (Saturn) to ajna chakra (Gold).
3. Kriya Yoga is a practice to initiate a process to raise consciousness.
4. Practice a system that leads to Gold– not all that glitters is gold!
5. Many are called but few are chosen– what does it mean to be one of the chosen?
6. Not all yoga is Yoga be a wise consumer and go for the Gold.
7. The incident in Rio: victims or vandals? Humans in the adult state are neither.
8. It’s not whether you win or lose but how you play the game. Your level of consciousness and degree of awareness.
9. A true champion is not inflated by winning nor deflated by losing.
10. Next week we will talk about music and Kriya Yoga. Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about rhythm and life. It is no coincidence that there are 12 tones and 7 notes in music and 7 major chakras and 12 departments in life.