Title: Visualization Is Different Than Spiritualization.
Karmic or material law is the hypnotic state driven by the belief in two powers and Spiritual law is the belief in One Power.
Upcoming Show 3/17/25! Visualization Is Different Than Spiritualization.
Visualization is a radio talk show with the title Visualization Is Different Than Spiritualization.

Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the difference between thinking with five material senses and Knowing with seven Spiritual senses. In this episode they will explore the development of the faculty which takes us from following Jesus then letting him go and having the Christ reappear as the Self of all Being. Listen as they discuss what Mary Baker Eddy wrote in Principle and Practice, “Christian Science is not a faith-cure, and unless human faith be distinguished from scientific healing, Christian Science will again be lost from the practice of religion as it was soon after the period of our great Master’s scientific teaching and practice.” Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and demonstrate Spiritual Law.
- The tree of knowledge, the tree of good and evil, and the tree of Life are a good way to represent Ida, Pingala, and Susumna in Kriya Yoga. Matter, mind, and Spirit or waking state, dream state, and dreamless state. Unconscious, self-conscious, and Super-conscious awareness are ways to educate mortal thought up to Spiritual apprehension. It becomes important to distinguish mental/material thought from Spiritual Idea in order to prevent sin or ignorance. Sin is missing the mark and ignorance is mistaking the impermanent for the permanent.
- Karmic or material law is the hypnotic state driven by the belief in two powers and Spiritual law is the belief in One Power. We come into the difference between belief and Truth, noumena and phenomena, or unreal and Real? Why we call belief a hypnotic state is because it borrows power from Truth or Spirit. Spirit is the only self-existent Power in the universe, It is the only Reality everywhere always. Belief is the level playing field but belief in Divine Truth, One Power graduates to faith then into understanding. Mortal mind is belief and Divine Mind is understanding as Mary Baker Eddy tells us in Principle and Practice. So we learn with thought and belief we can change finite bad to finite good but we are still under the law of karma. As Jesus told us, “Know the Truth and it will make you free” Knowing is another word for understanding which implies progress from belief to faith to understanding; this then liberates identity from karmic law.
- How do we know the difference between thinking and Knowing? The difference between personal sense and Self-realization, the belief in the many versus the understanding of the One. Thoughts are dualistic or in half what we call rational and Idea is whole and complete what we call absolute. We visualize with thoughts and then we can Spiritualize thoughts which means we convert them back to the One. We can do this without contradiction by telling the truth about the appearances and telling the truth about the Truth. Separating the wheat from the tares is how the bible instructs us to do this.
- The Father gives you in secret is code for Spirit gives Spirit not duality there are no persons, places, things in Spirit. All the Father has is thine always and this means God can’t give humans anything because God isn’t withholding anything. The responsibility is placed on the individual to determine if they are sowing to the flesh or to the Spirit. The key is found in “how we think” do we think or do we Know?
- Working with the coincidence between the human and the Divine. We know all the good, beautiful, and true attributes belong to the Divine and nothing that appears in the corporeal senses is real and consciousness is experience. We can’t be conscious of Divine Truth and experience pain, discomfort, sickness, suffering, lack or limitation– anything without Divine quality. Everything becomes contingent on whether we are drawing from duality or from the Absolute and the testimony of the senses is the indicator we can use like the check engine light on the dashboard of the car.
God can’t do anything for us if we are not conscious of the Omnipresence. Proverbs 3:6 “In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” The practice of consciously converting duality to Spirit is what we call Spiritualization “acknowledging Me in all thy ways.”