A poster for the radio talk show titled The Power of Love is Omnipresent
Upcoming Show 2-24-25 The Power of Love is Omnipresent

Love Power

Title: The Power of Love is Omnipresent.
At first it may be difficult to believe Life is Perfect and can’t be anything less. Unconditional Love is all there is in the Divine creation everywhere always.

Upcoming Show 2-24-25 The Power of Love is Omnipresent!

A picture of Lisa and Kenny doing the radio talk show titled The Power of Love is Omnipresent.
Lisa and Kenny on the radio February 2025

Love Power:

Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about absolute Divine Love as the substance of Spiritual reality and how it differs from the false human concept of the same word. Listen as they speak of the Divine Principle as the only self-existent Power everywhere always. In this show they will explore the effects of Spiritual awareness on the mental/material appearances as the revealing of the Divine creation. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and Love unconditionally.


  1. Love is one of those all-encompassing words that means different things to everyone using it. Here we are talking about Divine Love which is absolute unconditional goodness everywhere always. Initially it seems like a stretch to think this good and evil world isn’t “real” when all the signals are reading true in the corporeal sense testimony. As we are told by the medical community x-rays don’t lie and yet Jesus said,” your father is a liar and a murderer from the beginning.” What does he mean? When you come to the place where you are willing to challenge the collective consensus and medical beliefs then the issue is to choose a reliable system which is Scientific. To gain the Scientific perspective of Divine Love let’s look at Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures starting with 2:18-31. Christian Science as taught by Mary Baker Eddy is possibly the only system which puts healing on the table making it the most Scientific. Resting on the knowledge– Spirit is a demonstrable Principle and testifies with deeds not just words. This takes us beyond belief and when done according to plan beyond the belief in two powers, the hypnotic state of a good and evil world of energy into the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
    “The mere habit of pleading with the divine Mind, as one pleads with a human being, perpetuates the belief in God as humanly
    circumscribed,- an error which impedes spiritual growth.
    God is Love. Can we ask Him to be more? God is intelligence. Can we inform the infinite Mind of anything He does not already comprehend? Do we expect to change perfection? Shall we plead for more at the open fount, which is pouring forth more than we accept? The unspoken desire does bring us nearer the source of all existence and blessedness.
    Asking God to be God is a vain repetition.” (S&H 2:18-31)
  2. Something from Ames Nowell in The Decalogue, “LOVE: “He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is Love.” (I John 4:8) The Love which is divine has no object external to itself to love, for there is nothing beside Love. Hence, infinite Love loves subjectively-within itself. It does not say, “I love you;” or “I love this; or I love that.” Love just loves, saying, “I love.” Consequently, this act of loving by Love is completely impersonal. Divine Love expects no reward for its expression of love. Neither does it look for recognition by anything or anybody outside of itself, for God, Love, is All. It just loves, and loves, and loves eternally. Thereby, it manifests its glorious and lovely nature. Knowing naught but itself, Love is fearless, for God, infinite good, is Love and is All. The omnipresence of God, good, precludes the existence of evil. Therefore, there is no evil power that can threaten eternal indestructible Life. The beloved disciple, John, recognized the harmonious and fearless nature of spiritual being when he wrote (I John 4: 18), “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear.” Indeed, the immanent or subjective realization of perfect loving by and as perfect Love is a blessed and joyous experience. It heals!
  3. The only thing that is certain is Life. So what is Life? The bible says “Ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God.” I find it helpful to open things up using the seven words Mary Baker Eddy uses for God and associate them with the concept of Chakra in Yoga and Church in Revelation. Finding that place in consciousness where human thought meets Divine Idea.
  4. In Buddhism they say the material world is illusion and I used to say, “it’s not that the material world isn’t real the illusion is that it is separate from God or the Divine Creative Principle.” Now I realize this is pantheism, to say all is God or the Divine Principle. In Truth not only is the material world separate from the Divine Principle but it isn’t there. There isn’t any there; there isn’t any space in Spirit. Spirit is Whole and everywhere always. Love is the realization of this One Life as the Life of all being and nothing else– pure unadulterated Eternal Life everywhere always. Just as light dispels darkness; Truth dispels error.

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