Bad Habits
Title: Bad Habits Setup Limitations.
This is true not only in business, athletics, playing of musical instruments but also in life. When we don’t think right, breath right, stay hydrated, eat right, and exercise right we limit advancement.
Bad Habits is a podcast on Spreaker with the title Bad Habits Setup Limitations.

Bad Habits:
Hosts Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will discuss habitual behavior, exploring its impact on our lives and how it’s governed by the mind, which cannot manifest the Divine image. In this episode, they will delve into Mary Baker Eddy‘s statement, “health in matter must be given up for health in God.” Tune in as they investigate different levels of consciousness, starting with the hypnotic state of animal magnetism. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga, where we explore consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to illuminate your Soul and live with conscious awareness of the Truth.
- Habits are unconscious responses recorded to cell memory
- Voluntary and involuntary mortal mind behavior
- Awake, asleep, alive, dead, in Truth there is not difference. All that is ever experienced is one’s own thought forms on a personal mental level. Here we are learning the mental/material world of energy is the illusion. The good and evil belief in these two powers is a hypnotic state and must be treated as such in order to break the spell.
- Though habits are the vestibule of the larvae stage in development it is essential to have good habits when looking to graduate into the chrysalis stage. Keeping in mind the intention to move out of habitual and conditioned responses all together.
- Bad habits set up the limitations especially in Spiritual progress. Because practice makes perfect only when practice is perfect and we must aspire to our highest understanding of right to qualify for access to Divine Revelation because the Father says to be Perfect. Bad habits create barriers, particularly in spiritual growth. Progress comes when practice aligns with perfection, and we must strive for our highest comprehension of righteousness to gain access to Divine Revelation, as the Father urges us to strive for perfection.