Divine Angels
Title: Divine Angels Descending and Ascending.
Whether it is symbolized by Angels descending and ascending or copulating snakes on a staff the Divine creation is functioning here and now.
Divine Angels is a radio talk show with the title Divine Angels Descending and Ascending.

Divine Angels:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the omnipresence of the Divine creation functioning right where the physical universe seems to be. In this show they will discuss Ida, Pingala, and Susumna as the Kriya Yoga equivalent of the dragon and two beasts in Revelation of St. John. Listen as they explore the ideas of thinking differently, having eyes to see, and making your eye single as code for accepting Spiritual identity. John 1:51 “And he saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.” Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and see only Divine Truth.
- The path of Prana on one level descends and enters the Astral body at the feminine terminal of Ajna Chakra the Third Eye center which is the Zodiac Sign of Cancer it touches the feminine terminal of the lower six centers.
- Does it bring forth the immortal creature where the mortal one just stood.
- We have a sound bite from Herb Fitch to help us understand some similarities between Ida, Pingala, and Susumna and the dragon and two beasts in Revelations. This is from RSJ class 18A and you can get the audio file at MysticalPrinciples.com
- Real eyes, Realize, Real Lies. Mary Baker Eddy recognized mortal mind’s nature as wholly hypnotic, deceptive mesmerism. She recognized that what we perceive as matter through the physical senses actually points to the real, the present divinely spiritual fact; it is mortal mind which presents the counterfeit.
- Using the idea of process as laid out by Herb Fitch
“Rejoice when you are persecuted. Why? Because so persecuted the Prophets before you. That’s how these men came into their higher states; every persecution, every lack, every limitation, every form of adversity, however severe it appears to the naked eye, is cementing home for you if you are ready, the realization that in the Spiritual Universe, these persecutions are pure mirage. If they’re real to you, then you’ve got to go back to step number one, two, three, and four, and find out where there was a flaw in your understanding.
When you follow them carefully, when you come to the sixth step, the sixth beatitude, pure in heart, you should be a perfect transparency, so that even the major catastrophes of this world are quickly seen for what they really are.” Herb Fitch TS 10A - As long as we continue to try and do this with the human mind we can never get out of the opposites; the mind can’t free itself from its own creation. By following a tried and true system such as the Sermon on the Mount (unboxed), The Transfiguration of Jesus understood symbolically, Jesus takes James, Peter, and John to the Mountain Top where Moses and Elijah appear; or the eight essential stages of Kriya Yoga what we are looking for is– “But now, there is a subtle transmutation, the lower becomes the higher, the inner becomes the outer, the Divine becomes its own expression, and the shadows of imitation fade away.” This turning where the outer world of sense and the inner world of Spirit become One.
- By distilling, purifying, perfecting the mind/body complex we refine ourselves physically and mentally in order to attract Divine Truth into awareness. Here we use the physical body and the mortal mind to take us up to Divine Mind because like attracts like. In doing this we’re preparing the landscape of consciousness for transformation.