Without Principle
Title: Life Without Principle is Money Without Gold.
Live in human thought and have human experiences; know Divine Idea and have Divine experiences.
Without Principle is a radio talk show with the title Life Without Principle is Money Without Gold.

Without Principle:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk more about living from the Truth of Being as a precious resource equally available to all. In this show they will discuss the value of Truth in everyday situations and circumstances when It is evidenced by demonstration. Listen as they explain the function of Divine omnipresence to the individual as the importance of the ventriloquist is to the dummy. “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”– The Lord’s Prayer. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and experience Divine Principle.
- Money without the backing of gold is worthless; the same is true about life without Principle. Principle in this model is Spiritual Power; the invisible intangible Life Force. And to try and live without awareness of it is Death.
- To be reborn; what is meant by born is come into view, appear, made manifest or visible and tangible. We must be reborn of the Spirit; we are a branch cut from the vine until we rejoin with the Self-Existent Source which is invisible and intangible.
- Keeping consciousness in constant contact with Divine Omnipresence gives us the backing of Divine Principle. Spirit testifies with deed and using the testimony of the senses to ensure we are indeed worshiping the One Divine Life and not living in sin (missing the mark).
- Shifting from a resource based economy to a Spirit based economy is when we assume Spiritual Identity and realize we are fulfilled no needs but the expression of the Self-Existent One Divine Life. At this point mortal reason steps through the open door of Revelation and Divine Mind takes over the scientific government of being.
- We did a show years ago called “Sex out of marriage is a sin” and this is what we are talking about today. Understanding the value of this inner marriage of individual with the Divine is what heals the sick, reforms the sinner, and raises the dead.
- It comes down to values and what an individual thinks is important. What we desire is what we think is valuable but we are not victims of circumstance. Humans have choice; we can change by changing how we think. The optimal move is to leave the modes of mortal thought and belief for Divine Truth with Principle.
- Apotheosis is the progression from belief, to faith in Spirit, to understanding Truth.