User Interface
Title: Initiating the Divine User Interface.
Here we want to talk about bridging the gap between talking about Divine Truth and demonstrating Divine Truth with Scientific certainty.
User Interface is a radio talk show with the title Initiating the Divine User Interface.

User Interface:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about making the connection with the Divine Creation and discuss what it is like when this happens and your Soul is a transparency for Spiritual Light. In this show they will explain the difference between thinking with a mortal mind and Knowing with the Soul. Listen as they explore some of the benefits of living under the influence of Divine Truth and walking in the Omnipresent Self. 1 Corinthians 2:16 “For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.” Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and externalize the Divine Truth.
- Here we want to talk about bridging the gap between talking about Divine Truth and demonstrating Divine Truth with Scientific certainty. Because Divine Truth in consciousness really does mend bones and so, if it isn’t working– there is a reason or lots of reasons. Unless you are proving the presence of Divine Law with certainty chances are you are not One with the Divine creative Principle. Like we say, Talk doesn’t cook the rice but it is a way to get directions. To know and not do, is yet not to know but to do and not know may spoil the rice.
- Kriya Yoga is a path of action, knowledge, and devotion, today we will focus of coordinating these paths. The small and simple explain the large and complex; today we use a modern term (UI) to help understand a mystical experience. Today, the user interface (UI) is the point of human-computer interaction and communication in a device and in mystical terms the point of human-Divine interaction and communication in consciousness.
- To analyze the comparison– to the human, the computer is a tool and to the Divine, the human is a tool. Tool definition: an instrument (as a saw, file, knife, or wrench) used or worked by hand or machine to perform a task ; 3 · a person used by another : dupe.
- In Kriya Yoga the UI may be seen as the Chakra or as symbolized in Revelation the Church with the instruction to the angel of the church write. Which is the short code in mysticism; to find that place in consciousness where the human thought is the same as the Divine idea.
- Searched the word “link” in La Jolla Series by Herb Fitch and the first appearance for us was found in class 3a After these statements, The acceptance that you are the Spirit of God. When you accept and learn to live in the Spirit, by the Spirit, through the Spirit without any additional self, you have taken the rod in thine hand. You are linked to the Infinite by your Soul, and automatically this releases Divine action into your complete experience; God unfolds as your substance, perfectly.
- Herb Fitch RSJ Class 3a “You see, Christ begins in God and man must begin in Christ. Unless you begin in Christ you are not linked with God. And the form is not linked with the Life. And form and Life being separated, you wander off and ultimately there must come a day of reckoning, when the signals begin and karmic law begins to bring forth the balance to alert you to the fact that you are straying farther and farther from the Father’s House, until if you do not heed the signals, they all accumulate into one grand and glorious signal and this becomes a disaster.”
- Herb Fitch RSJ class 4b “It must be practiced though, not in the senses. You must step out of your thought into the Father’s thought. And there is a beautiful way to do that. That’s the meaning of “Let the Lord build your house”. Let God’s thought be your thought, not by taking thought, but by taking no thought. Let God do God’s thinking in you. You become the transparency for God’s thought, and then you’re out of your senses, you’re out of your limited concepts. For God’s thoughts can be your thoughts, for God’s thoughts are the thoughts of Christ within you. And God’s thoughts are power. God’s thoughts are substance. God’s thoughts are the Word, the Law, the Perfection, the expression of perfect ideas that express as harmony, truth, beauty, all ideas that never perish. And then the outer form is linked with the living Word.”
- Something from Christian Science Mary Baker Eddy S&H 172:7-12 “Materialism grades the human species as rising from matter upward. How then is the material species maintained, if man passes through what we call death and death is the Rubicon of spirituality? Spirit can form no real link in this supposed chain of material being. But divine Science reveals the eternal chain of existence as uninterrupted and wholly spiritual; yet this can be realized only as the false sense of being disappears.” There is no link between human and Spirit because there is no human and until we come out of false human identity we will remain in the material/mental illusion called the cycle of death and rebirth under the law of karma.