Souls Day
Title: All Souls Day and Union with the Divine
Souls Day hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will be talking about the concept of praying for the faithfully departed.
Souls Day is a radio talk show with the title All Souls Day and Union with the Divine.

Souls Day:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will be talking about the concept of praying for the faithfully departed. They will talk about the similarities between the Christian belief of a soul and the Yoga belief of atman. Swami will explain that we are complex beings and in Kriya Yoga we use a three body system; physical, astral/mental, and causal/Spiritual bodies. So what happens to us when we transition? Listen in to get some different ways of keeping up relations with those who left the earthly plane. Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the light in your soul and align with the part of yourself that is Eternal.
- What is a soul? I like what Kriyananda used to say it is your memory track. What follows an individual from life time to life time. It is your karmic record for every action and reaction for the duration of the mortal sense of existence.
- That part of us that is responsible and accountable, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Karma! What we put out is what we get back in the mental/material world of energy driven by a belief in two powers.
- Who are the faithfully departed? In Spirit no one is born and no one dies. Life is Eternal and changeless in Divine Truth. The real faithfully departed are the ones who have figured out the Truth. Life is Perfect and Eternal the concept of form and matter are a mental image about the Spiritual fact. In real Life, there is no death. The purpose of any incarnation is to come out of the belief in a second life, a false sense of life and Know the Truth.
- Why do we celebrate them? The key here is that we are all in this together, true Enlightenment doesn’t happen until each and every one of us crosses the threshold.