Secret Success
Title: Secret Success of Spiritual Sense.
We stop trying when we Know the Truth because we no longer live in the false mental creation with the belief in two powers.
Secret Success is a radio talk show with the title Secret Success of Spiritual Sense.

Secret Success:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about looking for the secret satisfaction that accompanies not being in charge of your life. Listen as they discuss the difference between seeing with the material senses and beholding with the Spiritual senses. In this show they will explain how Knowing the Truth is a demonstrable Principle when it is perceived Spiritually. “That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” John 3:6 Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and “walk by Faith, not by sight.”
- What we mean by “not being in charge of your life” is letting Divine Law express Itself through you, as you. Putting off personal sense by not trying, striving, planning, or seeking but instead letting, allowing, knowing and realizing only Divine Omnipresence is here now.
- We take charge of “our” life when we live in a “world” apart from the Divine Creation. A world that has more than One power. Read Herb Fitch LJ 9B (36:00) “Now, let’s illustrate this to see how easily our senses are trapped into the illusion. Let’s just consider a normal human being. He seeks to improve himself. He wants to protect himself. He wants to make himself secure, very normal. Why? Because he lives in the universe that God did not create.”
- Sayings like, “you’re out of your mind” “come to your senses” have no place in Divine Science because Spirit is the peace that passes understanding. The Divine creation is before thought and above corporeal sense.
- We have 5 material senses and 7 Spiritual Senses that correspond with the 7 Chakras in Kriya Yoga and the 7 Churches from Revelation in the Bible. Remember the outer world of matter is material sense is material and the inner world of Spirit is Spiritual Sense.
- To follow the direction of “not being in charge of your life” let’s look at this: reminding me that my desire to achieve an “objective” must be consciously transmuted from the shadow to the light, thus my desire for perfection, satisfaction and success means my daily to-do list is “in all things watch and pray” – not from the perspective of a physical being struggling to fix or somehow manipulate the material shadow but from the light of the highest understanding I have of my perfect, ever satisfying and always successful spiritual nature that must therefore cast a corresponding shadow.
- An exercise from: “I saw the love of God encircling the universe and man, filling all space, and that divine Love so permeated my own consciousness that I loved with Christlike compassion everything I saw. This realization of divine Love called into
expression “the beauty of holiness, the perfection of being” , which healed and regenerated and saved all who turned to me for help’ — Mary Baker Eddy
Instructional Version: We must first, behold the Love of God encircling the universe and man, filling all space. Then second, allow this Divine Love to permeate our own consciousness; so we can, Love with Christlike compassion everything we see. Finally third, realize Divine Love calls into expression “the beauty of holiness, the perfection of being” that heals, regenerates, and saves all who are conscious of It. - Why letting go of the false sense and affirming the Truth is the secret. Something from Bicknell Young Oneness, “As we know what this Mind knows, what is taking place? We find Mind taking place, we find Mind in full operation. We find THAT MIND being ourselves. We find the oneness of Being taking place, Principle and its idea operating as One, not two. And here is the great point of departure, whether we are giving the Christian Science treatment, which is Mind in full operation and expression, consciously understood, or whether the treatment is that of a man, even a spiritual man, thinking about God and the universe.”
- The difference between living the life of “I”-ness and the spiritual life is the difference between permanent success and some temporary sense of success.