Mercury Station
Title: Mercury Stations Direct Start Forward Motion.
Mercury Station – Institute For Personal Development, Inc. “Kriya Yoga” a show talking about Mercury moving forward and intelligence as a function.
Mercury Station is when the planet Mercury appears as if it stands still in the sky:

Mercury Station Direct Start Forward Motion
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the transit of Mercury; changing direction. Mercury will now start moving forward which will help us progress on all levels. They will discuss the behavior of Mercury as the lower mind and its place in our everyday lives. This show will explain the Kriya Yoga concept of intelligence and the operations of four mental functions. How we think is what we become; but thoughts need belief to make changes. Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the light in your soul to emit your thoughts with the Prana Power of intention.
1. Mercury has been retrograde since the 5th of January. This can bring a lot of hesitation and doubt in our thinking. Constantly checking and not sure about decisions. Mercury Station will be when it appears to be still.
2. The term stations means it stands still before it takes a direction. Either retrograde (backwards) or direct (forwards).
3. Mercury retrograde is exactly that it appears as if it is moving backwards in the sky and from the earth it is.
4. Now Mercury is going direct and moving forward to help remove the hesitation and wanting to check things one more time. Make quicker and in some respects clearer decisions.
5. Mercury station represents the conscious mind and the ability to be intelligent. It is the lower mind, the part of mind related to the sense.
6. Mercury is the “messenger” in Mythology. The one image that can go from Olympus, Earth, and the Underworld.
7. Kriya Yoga is a discipline to develop the conscious mind. The practice will also condition the psychological organs to empower the practitioner to become intelligent.
8. Intelligence here is the operation of the 4 mental functions; perception, reason, memory, and intuition.
9. The phase in development is Pratyahara in Kriya Yoga. The conscious mind is above the instincts and appetites of the physical body.