Rocket Science
Title: Not Rocket Science but Divine Science.
Spirit is a demonstrable Principle and must be Known to activate It in experience.
Rocket Science is a radio talk show with the title Not Rocket Science but Divine Science.

Rocket Science:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about some differences and similarities between material law versus Spiritual Law; also known as, the law of karma versus the Divine Law of Life. In this show they will explore the unfolding process of consciousness emerging from the tomb of the mind/body complex into the resurrection of eternal Spiritual Life. Listen as they explain apotheosis in secular terms and in real time human experiences. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and illuminate the Way.
- As defined of science in
A branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws:
the mathematical sciences. Systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.
any of the branches of natural or physical science. Systematized knowledge in general. Knowledge, as of facts or principles; knowledge gained by systematic study.
a particular branch of knowledge. - There are many applications to the word science and today we have computer science, political science, rocket science etc. Three major branches are physical science, earth science, and life science with subdivisions to each branch.
- Something from Herb Fitch La Jolla Series class 3A soundbite. And excerpt, “Now, the nature of that understanding is radically different than the understanding of science or the understanding of religion. It’s really an understanding that now enables us to lift the serpent in the wilderness. They had surrendered their human belief in the existence of material form. Both Moses and Jesus knew there was no Moses and Jesus, both knew there was no snake and no leper. They had surrendered their belief in material form.”
- Is there more than one school of scientific healing?
In reality there is, and can be, but one school of the Science of Mind-healing. Any departure from Science is an irreparable loss of Science. Whatever is said and written correctly on this Science originates from the Principle and practice laid down in Science and Health, a work which I published in 1875. This was the first book, recorded in history, which elucidates a pathological Science purely mental.
Minor shades of difference in Mind-healing have originated with certain opposing factions, springing up among unchristian students, who, fusing with a class of aspirants which snatch at whatever is progressive, call it their first-fruits, or else post mortem evidence.
A slight divergence is fatal in Science. Like certain Jews whom St. Paul had hoped to convert from mere motives of self-aggrandizement to the love of Christ, these so-called schools are clogging the wheels of progress by blinding the people to the true character of Christian Science, — its moral power, and its divine efficacy to heal.
The true understanding of Christian Science Mind-healing never originated in pride, rivalry, or the deification of self. The Discoverer of this Science could tell you of timidity, of self-distrust, of friendlessness, toil, agonies, and victories, under which she needed miraculous vision to sustain her, when taking the first footsteps in this Science.
The ways of Christianity have not changed. Meekness, selflessness, and love are the paths of His testimony and the footsteps of His flock.
(Rudimental Divine Science, Mary Baker Eddy, pp. v:1–17:17)