Teacher Training Level 1 Certification Exam


Kriya Yoga Teacher Training
Become a certified Kriya Yoga Teacher by mastering the Spiritual Science of Kriya Yoga and help change the world.

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TT1 Exam is Kriya Yoga Teacher Training Level 1
200 hours

TT1 Exam is for anyone who has completed the learning requirements to take the certification examination. To qualify for this exam it is most helpful if there is a passion to teach the Spiritual Science of Kriya Yoga.

TT1 Exam is Kriya Yoga Teacher Certification Exam
Level 1 Syllabus

Complete Kriya Yoga Theory 1
Have a minimum of 162 contact hours of IPD training to qualify to take the test.
Pass all written and practical exams.
Take the Kriya Yoga Certified Teacher’s Oath.
Part One: Written Exam
25 Questions to determine a clear understanding of the physiology, psychology, methodology, philosophy and supportive concepts of Kriya Yoga.

Option #1: Take the written exam prepared by IPD, Inc.
Option #2 :Make up your own test of 25 questions.
Note: your questions must demonstrate a clear understanding of the physiology, psychology, methodology, philosophy and supportive concepts of Kriya Yoga.

Part Two: Practical Exam
Cue a Kriya Yoga Asana Class:
1. Demonstrate the ability to verbally lead a class in a safe and organized fashion.
2. Give participants a procedure for getting into postures, options to sustain them and a way to get out of postures with stability and comfort.
3. Follow the format of the Class– begin with Breathing Visualization, detailed Mountain Pose, Palm Tree, Salutations to the Moon and Sun, Lightning Rod. Teach 25 Postures of choice. Finish with Cats and Dogs to Three Lock Pose.

Part Three: Written Essay
Write a 50 word or more essay on “Why I want to be a Kriya Yoga Teacher?

Part Four: Team Teach
Teach 50 classes under the supervision of IPD.

Part Five: Take the Oath
Take and Sign the Kriya Yoga Certified Teacher’s Oath.
Passing Qualifies for the teaching of Kriya Yoga Asana, only.

Looking to learn more about Spiritual Science listen to our radio shows.


Price of Classes
Monthly Subscription
$300.00 Level 1 Exam

TT2 Exam is Kriya Yoga Teacher Training Level 2
300 hours

Kriya Yoga Teacher Certification Exam
Level 2 Syllabus

Level 1 Certified
Have a minimum of 300 contact hours of IPD training to qualify to take the test.
Pass all written and practical exams.
Price of Classes
Monthly Subscription
$350.00 Level 2 Exam