Potency Principle
Title: Potency is Obedience to Principle.
In Divine Principle there are no problems only Solution.
Potency Principle is a radio talk show with the title Potency is Obedience to Principle.

Potency Principle:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about some benefits to understanding the operation and application of the Divine Principle. Listen as they explain how and why One is better than two when working with Truth. In this show they will discuss why Mary Baker Eddy when asked to define a Christian Science healing said, “The acknowledgment of present perfection,” was her answer. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your soul and be obedient to the Divine Principle.
- The idea of Potency here is the Perfection of Being. The Sanskrit term is Purna or Perfect which means whole, complete. Life is Perfect and what we are calling life isn’t that Life at all. The Divine Life is omnipresent and as John told us in the Bible “the light shines in darkness and the darkness comprehends it not” We are blind to the Divine Principle and until we learn how to “repent” think differently we will remain in the cycle of death and rebirth. Obedience is an interesting word here because it really means to serve and to serve the Divine Principle doesn’t mean we have a to do list from God. It means we are an avenue or channel for Divine Truth to function through us as us. What is the Divine Principle it is the law of harmony, Oneness, absolute Goodness without opposite.
- Man says, show and I will trust and God says, trust and I will show. To be obedient to the Divine Principle we must be in Oneness with the law. The Divine Life is omnipresent but for us to experience this Truth we must bury the mortal sense in the Silence and Stillness of Divine Revelation. Herb Fitch RSJ 1A soundbite1. and soundbite 2
- Something from Bicknell Young in Addresses, “We cannot deny a thing, and make it real at the same time.
Whether this life shall be one of dominion or subjection is determined by the kind of thoughts we think. Thought is the only thing we have to deal with. All there is to anything is our consciousness of it. Do not think of yourself. What you know of God is yourself. Spiritual understanding comes more and more, and that is you. The dominion of man is simply the perfect law of God. Find out that you do not want anything, for that is dominion.” - More Bicknell Young in Oneness, wrote, “We are not dealing with persons, places, things. We are dealing with consciousness, and because we are dealing with consciousness, we have to begin with ourselves.
Because mortal mind is the basic error, we see clearly that divine Mind is the basic Truth, and being basic, we begin there. The Christian Science treatment is, and always must be, the conscious operation of the divine Mind on the part of the practitioner. He must understand himself to be the functioning of that Mind, which was also in Christ Jesus.
The Mind, knowing its own idea, is WHY WE ARE CONSCIOUS OF OUR OWN EXISTENCE. Mind, knowing the perfection of its own ideas, is a Christian Science treatment, and is why a Christian Science treatment heals. In other words, Mind, conscious of its own perfect self, is a Christian Science treatment. The treatment, or demonstration, takes place in the consciousness of the practitioner, and this is as it should be.” - To be conscious of the Divine Idea one needs the Christ; the interface which makes the Divine creation comprehensive to human consciousness. Otherwise; how can we be obedient to the Divine Principle? Paul in the bible tells us to walk by faith not by sight. To develop Spiritual Sense and put away corporeal sense. Or Repent; think differently. Stop thinking with the material senses and start Knowing with the Soul.
- There are no problems only Solution.