New Moon in Leo
Title: New Moon In Leo Brings Loyalty.
Loyalty to the Divine gets better results!
New Lunation
New moon in Leo is a radio talk show about the representation of the Moon as the symbol for “mother” or manifestation in the sign for loyalty.
New Moon in Leo so Let’s Talk Consciousness

Leo Brings Loyalty
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will be talking about the lunation on 8/14/15 at 10:54 AM EDT the two luminaries will be sandwiched between Venus and Mars in Leo– another Stellium. Venus will be retrograde backing away from a square to Saturn but will be applying a trine to Uranus. Let’s talk about some spontaneity in our relationship. Mercury will be in Virgo and tenanting the eleventh house; good time for details and understanding our unique talent. They will be talking about the new Celestial Positioning System they are developing; using transits to assist in tasks. Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the light in your soul; become sensitive to hear the call and strong enough to walk the solitary path.
- With 4 planets in Leo let’s talk about Loyalty; Mars is how we get what we want, Moon is how we put into form (give birth), Sun is the incentive to express the Self, Venus is what we want. All in the 10 th house.
- When I talk about Loyalty; I measure it next to what CS Lewis said about Perfect Love. “Perfect love, we know, casteth out fear. But so do several other things– ignorance, alcohol, passion, presumption, and stupidity. It is very desirable that we should all advance to that perfection of love in which we shall fear no longer; but it is very undesirable, until we have reached that stage, that we should allow any inferior agent to cast out fear.”
- So what is Perfect Love and why are these inferior agents so undesirable?
- Love is in this model Divine Love and the importance of Humanities Love for God to complete the circuit. This “Loyalty” to this very important resource.
- We mentioned last week that Fear was faith pointed in the wrong direction– I would say this is when we are using these undesirable agents instead of the One True God.
- We talked about Fear of death but there is a complimentary other half which is Fear of Life (Whole Person). This creates the conflict that we all struggle with– what do I desire?
- The Body or God– as CS Lewis said, “aim for earth (Body) and you get nothing; aim for Heaven (God) earth gets thrown in.”
- Where does my Loyalty lie?