Mortal Beliefs
Title: Expanding Beyond Mortal Limits
“THE nature and position of mortal mind are the opposite of immortal Mind. The so-called mortal mind is belief and not understanding. ” Mary Baker Eddy, Principle and Practice.
Mortal Beliefs is a radio talk show with the title Expanding Life Beyond Mortal Limits.

Mortal Beliefs:
Hostess Lisa Winton and Swami Jayananda will talk about the shifting identity from the mental/material sense of life to the Divine Omnipresent Truth of Being. Listen as they explain how the human sense of life sees what isn’t there and is blind to what is everywhere always– the Divine Creation. In this show they will explore initiating the process in human development leading to the realization of Eternal Life everlasting. Welcome to the Voice of Yoga; we are talking consciousness! Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your Soul and Know the Truth about Eternal Life.
- I was inspired by the eight commandment in Ames Nowell’s book the Decalogue. He writes, (1.) “Stealing, which is a facet of crime, is predicated on the mistaken proposition that wealth has been unevenly distributed. Therefore, the criminal believes that he must rob his neighbor in order to correct this imbalance of property ownership. Being untutored in the “things of God,” the thief fails to understand that he, as divine idea, already is the evidence of God’s boundless abundance. Were his thinking to be changed from a limited human sense to that of Mind’s all-embracing knowing, his human experience would necessarily expand to such a degree that the false belief of lack would disappear, and a sense of the fulness of spiritual being would be his.”
- Mary Baker Eddy In a book, Mary Baker Eddy Christian Healer by Y. von Fettweis and R. Warneck Pg. 230 “In 1896 Mrs. Eddy wrote Lida Stone: … What our Cause needs most is the impersonalization of thought. I see little if any growth in this direction. To destroy any effect we must remove its cause. The first error was limiting Mind, or personality, which was supposed to contain mind. Now to love or hate or fear or believe in this finity of mind called mortal personality is to preserve the cause of all error…. No persons can grow into Christian Science until they have grown out of attaching themselves to personality either through fear, love, or hate.”
- Bicknell Young wrote in Addresses 1937, “When you handle error as a mere secondary expression of the primal error, mortal mind, you are handling it correctly and scientifically.
When you permit your thought to be so handled that you believe that you have got to actually contend with some difficulty, and that the difficulty has some substance, power, law, or operation, you are not working correctly. Whatever the error is, its only substance is supposition, whether the error be lack, pain, malice, opposition, or whatnot. It has no substance other than supposition, and the supposition has no supposer. The belief has no believer, for the believer is a belief.” - More Ames Nowell from the Decalogue eight commandment: (2.) “The more consciousness approaches the Divine state of Mind in which Mind is cognizing the infinite unlimited abundance of its own existence as the All-in-all, the more experience will take on the character of Divinity made evident in a greater sense of completeness.” (3.) “Human good (at its best) is a limited sense of good; whereas divine good is forever unlimited. Therefore, the expression of human goodness is not sufficient to qualify us for admission to Heaven.” (4.) “There is only one Way whereby to enter Heaven. It is through complete spiritualization of thought.” (5.) “Thinking as a personal ego about God is not the divine Way. In short, His thoughts must constitute consciousness. This mode for knowing is the Way in which thought must “walk” for understanding to be divine. In it there is no personal sense.” (6.) “the true and only Way has been revealed, divine subjective knowing as Mind.”
- Herb Fitch Realization of Oneness 3B soundbite: Expanding Life Beyond Mortal Limits – Join the Kriya Yoga Spiritual Advance to get the Light in your Soul and Know the Truth about Eternal Life. Dissolve the false mortal beliefs.